For many of us, the past 15 months have been some of the most challenging months of our lives.
And we moms have been pushed to the limit.
There is plenty of data on the toll this past year has taken on women.*
Now that things are opening back up and life is starting to look a little more normal, it’s time for you to start focusing on YOU.
It’s what you deserve more than anything.
I am SO EXCITED to run this round of the Empowerment Experience Challenge.
It’s going to be the best one yet.
In five days I’m going to arm you with the stuff you need to know – and do – in order to make the changes you’ve either been to scared to attempt to make or unsuccessful in making in the past.
I’m gonna empower the everloving shit out of you.
It doesn’t matter how old you are. It doesn’t matter how fit you are. It doesn’t matter where you live. It doesn’t matter if you have five kids or 1 kid or no kids.
The only thing that matters is you want some ding dang results.
I’ll help you find solutions to the problems that have been holding you back.
Are you sick of starting shit and failing?
Have you already given up on yourself?
Are you convinced you just cannot change?
Are you feeling underappreciated, invalidated, frustrated, and restentful?
Do you just want some help getting your shit together?
Well then HELLOOOOOOO!!!!
Every day for five days I’ll teach you what you need to know about beliefs, time, motivation, developing habits, sitting through discomfort and allowing yourself to do things imperfectly.
I’ll be live on Facebook in the Closed Challenge Facebook Group, Monday through Friday, June 14 – 18th.
Here’s the schedule!
Can’t make it live?
It doesn’t matter. You can catch the replays at any time.
And I feel confident in saying that if you show up for five days and apply what we cover in the challenge, you will change the direction of your life.
You’ve got nothing to lose.
But you definitely have a whole lot to gain.
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