I’ve been running an online course for about six or seven years.
It originally began as a weight loss course.
It was called Not Your Average Fitness Course.
Eventually the focus of the course moved from weight loss to helping women make exercise a habit.
And the name changed to BACE CAMP.
BACE stood for Become A Consistent Exerciser.
Up until very recently, I thought my goal was to inspire women to make exercise a habit.
But over the last couple months, I’ve realized that’s not my goal.
It’s not my purpose, either.
I do want to help women make exercise a habit.
But making exercise a habit is really a tool toward a much bigger goal.
How many times have you said to yourself,
I could never do that.
I’ll never be able to lose weight.
I’ll never be financially independent.
I could never run a marathon.
I’m not strong enough to leave this toxic relationship.
If you’ve thought any of those things, you are wrong.
You can become a runner. Or a swimmer. Or a painter. Or whatever.
You are strong enough to leave an unhealthy relationship.
You are capable of making significant changes in your life.
You just don’t know how.
It’s taken me 50 years to figure out that the only thing preventing me from doing anything is me. And my thinking.
And my mission and goal and purpose and passion is to help women discover that they are way fucking stronger and capable than they realize.
I recently asked the women who are in my HOME BACE membership (which is only open to women who have participated in BACE CAMP) the following questions:
What is the biggest change you’ve made in your life that has become a habit?
In what ways has your thinking changed?
Has your confidence changed? If so, how or in what areas?
Is there something you do now that you never would have thought was possible a couple months and/or years ago?
It was the answer to question number 4 that I was most interested in.
Is there something you do now that you never would have thought was possible a couple months and/or years ago.
Here are some of the responses I got:
Confidence: much improved. I always thought of myself as sort of a doormat. But nowadays I don’t take so much shit off people.
Daily yoga. I didn’t think I had the drive, desire, discipline to do daily exercise. It’s been over 3 months!
Making time for me, and learning to let go of unnecessary things that are holding me back.
I exercise every single day. I have found that if I don’t, I miss it terribly.
I never thought I had the time to be a regular exerciser. I learned to manage my time and make myself a priority.
I never thought I would go to bed at 9pm on purpose, do push ups daily or look forward to exercise.
Hmmm where should I start? I go to bed early, I exercise 6 out of 7 days a week, plan out my food/exercise for the week, I have become more organized, and I stopped drinking during the week (ok so that’s a really big one for me).
I was able to recognize what exactly my goals are right now through this group and that helped push me to do things that I otherwise would not have done.
Here are some other comments I received:
My confidence has grown into a pride thing for me. I don’t know if that makes sense but I have a sense of accomplishment like “wow look at you, girl! You are following through with something!”
I have my confidence back. Before kids I was very confident and not afraid to ask or demand what I needed. I lost that part of myself after I had kids. Everything was about them. Over the last 18 months, I have taken me back. I now have the confidence to say when I need to put me ahead.
I have confidence that I can do hard things, that I can try something and if it doesn’t work it’s ok to try something else.
I am confident enough to know I am not perfect and I might screw up but I can still start over again the next day.
My confidence has increased a lot. I can do hard things. I didn’t think that before. Also, I thought if I failed it was THE END OF THE WORLD and confirmed I would never be able to do whatever it was I was attempting to do.
It is okay to fail, adjust and try again. Exercise is not punishment for being overweight but is taking care of myself.
That’s what the goal is for me.
It’s not so much about exercising being the ultimate goal.
It’s about Empowerment.
And that is how The Empowerment Academy was born.
Registration for The Empowerment Academy opens on December 28th.
It’s the same 6 week format as BACE CAMP.
It’s manageable and flexible and it doesn’t matter how old you are, how in shape your are, what size you are, if you work outside the home, if you have young kids, if you have old kids, if you have no kids, if you are married, if you are single, if you live on the East Coast or the West Coast or in a whole different country or continent.
It works for everyone.
If you want to get on the list to be notified when registration opens, CLICK HERE.
And get ready to be emfuckingpowered.

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