I haven’t had any booze in five months. FIVE MONTHS. I’ve made it through the 4th of July and Labor Day and my birthday and my anniversary and Halloween and Thanksgiving. I’ve made it through other things, but that’s because I’ve just chosen not to attend them. Tonight all my favorite baseball moms are having […]
Schooled by a 4-year-old
When I was 25, I got pregnant, got engaged, had a miscarriage, and then, even though I knew it was a mistake, got married. I had always said I wasn’t going to take my husband’s last name if I ever got married, but for some reason I changed my mind. My marriage lasted approximately 17 […]
Because no one wants the gift of regret.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! NOT YOUR AVERAGE VENDOR FAIR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 5 – 8 PM. CT SPORTS ARENA, NEW MILFORD, CT. FREE ADMISSION! FOOD! FUN! RAFFLES! FREE BABYSITTING! OVER 30 VENDORS! I had a conversation with a friend this morning. It stirred up some stuff for me. So I want to share a story. If […]