I spent this past weekend at a swim meet. It was at a big high school in New York and there were a couple hundred kids swimming in it. Swim meets like this are long and boring. They usually run for about 4 hours, and there is a lot of sitting around waiting to swim. […]
The Fearless Child vs. The Anxious Child
If you recall, Number 4 said she wanted to learn how to knit for Christmas. When I wrote this post about that, the mom of one of my former swimmers sent me a message and offered to teach Number 4 to knit over Christmas vacation. Now I didn’t know this mom very well. The dad of […]
Knit one, purl two. I made a sweater. From my hoo hoo.
Yesterday one of my friends shared a link from the Huffington Post on Facebook. The title of the link was Vaginal Knitting Is Actually A Thing And People Are Absolutely Terrified. Well, I had to click on that. If you want to waste two minutes and fifty-two seconds of your life, you can click on […]