It’s that time of year again…
Time to start planting!
Wooo hoooo!!!!
Since I kind of have a secret desire to homeschool my kids, we started yesterday and made it a multi-age activity.
Thought I’d share in case you want to give it a try too.
I saved my pumpkin seeds from last Halloween’s pumpkin carving, and I had some flower and lettuce seeds left over from last year.
We talked about recycling and reusing.
We found egg, yogurt, cottage cheese, and apple containers to plant our seeds in.
Then we got our shovels.
We started by turning over the dirt in last year’s pumpkin patch.
We got some exercise, we got some dirt, and we also started to prepare the garden beds for this year.
Who doesn’t like to dig in the dirt?
Number 3, who was a little tired, realized that gardening is hard work.
We brought the dirt over to the planting station.
We sifted the dirt to clean out all the junk.
Look at that nice clean soil
Then we got to planting.
We used the egg and apple cartons for the pumpkin seeds.
We had a lot of those
We labeled the other containers before we planted anything in them so we didn’t forget what was inside.
Then we watered everything.
Even Number 7 pitched in.
Well, she may have watered the table more than the plants…
Once we were all done outside, we brought our seeds inside, and put them in the window.
We’ll watch them grow.
Then we did a little research on the computer to learn a little more about planting.
Number 3 and 4 now know how to copy and paste information they find on the internet into a word document.
They cut out their new info and taped it into their journals.
We read it together. Now they know what the next step in the planting process is.
Number 3 and 4 were pretty proud to learn some new vocabulary words, including sow, seedling, and transplant.
Number 3 is excited to show his teacher what he did when Spring Break is over and he goes back to school.
So we covered a lot of bases:
- physical activity
- science — protecting the environment and recycling, gardening, pumpkin facts
- writing
- reading
- computer skills
- art
- and cooperation
And you know how much it all cost?
A win, on all levels.
Happy Planting!
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