Today is the first Saturday in too long that we have no baseball games, no swim practices, no swim meets, no birthday parties…
I spent the morning in the kitchen cooking. I made three trays of chocolate chip banana bread and brownies and about five gallons of chicken stock and meat for tacos and Mexican chicken and barbecue chicken.
My husband has been at work all day, but the kids have been pretty good (except for Number 7 who is currently screaming on the floor downstairs because I took Number 3’s iPod away from her because she found some fucked up Peppa Pig episode where a dentist was drilling the crap out of her teeth with something that resembled a palm sander).
Anyway, now we are getting ready to go to a friend’s house. A couple other friends are coming over, and all the kids are going to hang out while the adults get to hang out.
I’m embarrassed to admit how much I’ve been looking forward to this afternoon.
I can’t wait!
All in all, it’s been a pretty perfect fall Saturday so far. At least in my book. Being able to chill out at home and spend time in the kitchen while the kids actually get along doesn’t happen all that often these days.
I’m not going to ruin this day by sitting at the computer writing a post.
I’m gonna go have fun with my friends and completely enjoy this day from beginning to end!
Taking time today to smell the roses. Or the pumpkin spice. Or whatever.
Hope you get to take some time for yourself this weekend, too!
I can’t remember the last Saturday I did nothing! We’re always whizzing about the place! I’ll have to remember to mark myself as “busy” one Saturday and just take the whole day off!