When I started writing this blog, my first goal was to get a comment on it from a complete stranger.
Not my aunt.
Or cousin.
Not a friend, former co-worker, or teammate.
Someone I had never met.
It didn’t take too long for that to happen.
Then I found out about Facebook pages.
I had no idea you could even have more than one page.
It seems the more I use technology and social media, the more I realize I don’t know about technology and social media.
So anyway, I remember my initial goal being 100 likes.
Now I’m closing in on 2,500.
And I’m finding myself in another one of those be-careful-what-you-wish-for situations.
Because when you have 2,476 likes,
not everyone is going to see eye to eye.
Especially with me.
Apparently “liking” someone doesn’t actually mean you like someone.
So Judge Judy came back last night.
I kind of thought after all of the diaper drama that I wasn’t going to hear from her again.
(If you missed all that, read this).
There has been a lot of really ground-breaking reporting in the news lately.
Amanda Bynes shaved half of her head.
Kim Kardashian showed off her baby bump.
And Gwyneth Paltrow wore a see through dress.
Without underwear.
That is some important shit to know right there.
The Gwyneth one really struck me as funny.
All I could think of was Number 4 and her first couple weeks of first grade.
(If you missed that, read this).
So I put this on the facebook page last night:
Dear Gwyneth,
Don’t worry.
In a couple years when I’m famous, I’ll take all the no-underwear-heat off of you.
I never wear underwear.
What a waste.
Number 4
And that’s when Judge Judy reappeared.
She left this comment:
The rod and rebuke give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother. Proverbs 29:15
In an effort to hold my tongue, I called for backup.
A couple people commented.
And Judge Judy said this:
Oh boy.
She wasn’t just quoting Bible verses now.
She had moved on to all caps.
There are two subjects I don’t talk about on the blog or facebook page.
Religion and politics.
They are hot button topics.
And sometimes very divisive.
So I stay away from those.
I am not anti religion in any way.
And I don’t believe there is one right way.
To each his or her own.
But I pretty much operate under this philosophy:
I don’t expect everyone to agree with me all the time.
I can handle a little constructive criticism.
But when it starts turning toward harassment,
and then when quotes from the Bible are added into the mix,
that’s where I draw the line.
So last night I had my first facebook breakup.
One little click of a button,
and where her judgemental, Bible quoting, all caps comments had been,
it read:
Nita has been banned from your page.
I have to admit, I quite liked that.
Too bad there’s not one of those buttons for real life…
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You can vote one time every 24 hours from every computer and cell phone! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! I really appreciate your support!
Check out and “like” the not-your-average-mom.com facebook page!
Follow me on Twitter @mom_not_average
That’s really unfortunate that someone felt the need to follow your page, which was created out of a sense of fun and humor, to post judgments and ‘correct’ your parenting. Parenting is actually my third ‘do not address on social media’ topic, behind religion and politics. It’s none of anyone’s business how I raise my children. It’s none of anyone else’s business how you raise yours.
If you can’t read these posts as the fun, entertaining slivers of someone else’s world that they’re meant to be, don’t join the page.
Thankfully, on facebook anyway, there is that nice little button that takes them out of the picture.
People can be so ridiculously judgmental sometimes. Your post did not require a Bible verse. I am not against politics or religion; I have my own thoughts about them both. But people use them both as a means to degrade or harass others, and that’s just not right.
I’m glad you banned her from the page. That’s probably my favorite tool on FB to date! 🙂
Good for you. She must have skipped the part where we are not supposed to judge people. Anyway I bet that felt amazing and I’m sorry you even had to read her ignorant comments. I really love readung you stories and knowing that I am not the only one who thinks the way you do. Please keep sharing!
good for you. Its one thing to have a difference of opinion or a constructive arguement but to come and start throwing rocks at your head is another (on top of that, I dont see how that particular bible verse was relevant to what you posted………….)
I will never understand people who regularly visit the blog/Facebook page/website of someone with whom they disagree solely to criticize them. It’s like inviting yourself over for dinner and then telling the hostess that you hate the food. Don’t like it? Go somewhere else! Problem solved.
It’s a shame you had to ban her BUT:
Way to go, Susie! Before I got to the part where you hit the BAN button, I was thinking “You don’t HAVE to put up with her do you?”
I am somewhat religious myself but have a problem with folks that pick and choose what parts of the bible to use to make themselves feel better than others. And you gave her a more-than-fair chance.
Your #4 child is my #1 child! The kid will wear cami and knickers to bed but in the morning… the knickers disappear before the uniform gets put on! Constantly asking if she’s wearing hers too.
As for Judge Judy… totally agree on the banning. Just because one doesn’t agree with something is no reason to judge another about it! I’d also like to point out to her that in the time that the bible was written they didn’t WEAR underpants so everyone went commando then!
That quote is a pet peeve of mine, because when they translated “rod” they forgot to point out that it means a shepherds crook, what the shepherd uses to grab a sheep and pull it back in with the flock. As in, a child left without your guidance is not going to do very well. And that’s great advice! Thinking that hitting your kid with a stick is somehow going to ensure that they turn out well… not so great advice.
Good for you! sometimes it’s hard to just not say or do anything. And I think you handled yourself quite gracefully. 😉 Not too sure how i would have reacted to that.
I love reading your blog everyday! Makes us all feel like we’re not alone. =) You’re my pick me up!
Please come visit my blog sometime! =) sweatymomma.blogspot.com
well, hey there! new to your blog and as a blogger myself i can say yes, indeedy, those comments are irksome. one of the downsides of social media, its too easy for people to say CRAPPY THINGS IN CAPS … and too easy to dwell on them. good for you and…hope you have a great week 🙂
good for you! you should have done it long ago..but better late than never.. 🙂 and I love your blog.. makes me smile everytime!