I have spent the past two days in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
I came down here from CT to attend a program entitled Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way.
And it was awesome.
And while I’m sitting here in the Fort Lauderdale airport waiting for my delayed plane, I thought I’d share some things I discovered in the past 48 hours with you.
First, if you are going to get the cold from hell that the rest of your family recently had, you might as well get it when you are staying alone in a hotel in Florida where it’s warm outside.
Second, not traveling by plane very often or very recently, I am just now discovering how ridiculously easy it is to book a flight and get right to security. Did you know you can just have your boarding pass texted to your phone? I had no idea! How cool is that?
Third, the Fort Lauderdale airport needs a serious upgrade, and most importantly, the installation of charging stations.
Fourth, if you are struggling with parenting, if you are feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, ineffective, angry or challenged in any other way, THERE IS A BETTER WAY.
I promise you.
Fifth, one of my purposes here on Earth is to help teach you about it. I am sure of it now. And I’m going to be really good at it.
If you are open and ready to learn about and employ more effective (and enjoyable) parenting practices, I can help to guide you.
And I am so excited.
Sixth, Jane Nelson, the founder of Positive Discipline, is one of the coolest people I’ve ever met.
Seventh, I couldn’t wait for a break from my kids.
And now I can’t wait to see them.
Because as much as they drive me fucking insane,
I really, really missed them.
Good for you!! Hope you feel better and enjoy seeing your family again!!!