Last year I made a couple of decisions that were life changing for me.
One of them was to start getting dressed again.
Not that I’d been walking around naked.
But I had been walking around in clothes that didn’t exactly make me feel good about myself.
My wardrobe consisted of, as it does for so many of us once we become moms, lots of elasticized pants and oversized sweatshirts.
I had gotten to the point where I had given up. I didn’t feel attractive anymore. I felt like a slob and never felt confident when I had to go to the kids’ schools or when there was a mom’s night out.
And I was ready to stop feeling that way.
The problem was I didn’t know where to begin. I didn’t really have any non-workout clothes that fit me, and I didn’t have massive amounts of money to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe.
And then I discovered Get Your Pretty On.
Get Your Pretty On is a program created by a mom who was tired of looking like shit (that’s not how she describes it, but that’s how I’d describe it).
And what she did was create a capsule wardrobe for every season. The capsule wardrobe consists of about 21 mix and match pieces. Along with the list of tops, bottoms, shoes, and accessories, you get 21 different outfit combinations (you do not get the actual clothing).
This allows you to do three things very easily. 1) You have a cheat sheet for a full wardrobe. 2) You don’t buy a whole bunch of random pieces that you like but that don’t go together (you avoid that “I have a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear.”) 3) You can transition very easily back into wearing actual clothes that are cute and help you to regain that confidence you had pre-kids without having to even think about it.
The other thing is that you may have some of the pieces on the shopping list in your closet already! (And you don’t have to purchase all the pieces — this will be my fourth challenge, and I’ve never actually had every single piece on the list).
So the fall challenge is now open.
And the only “challenging” thing about it is that it encourages you to start taking better care of yourself and get dressed every day. Or most days (I still wear workout clothes on plenty of days)!
Here is one of the outfit combinations I put together from the fall challenge.
There is a poncho on the shopping list. Mine isn’t exactly the same as the one on the list, but I love it. And that’s another great thing about this challenge. You can adapt pieces to work for you. You don’t need to buy exactly what’s on the list.
Isn’t it cute?
And guess where I got it?
I know, right?
I have the list of recommended pieces downloaded on my phone. And last week when I went into Costco, I checked out the clothes they had there against what was on the list, and I found this poncho.
And it was $14.99!
Anyway, if you are ready to start making yourself a priority but even thinking about it is overwhelming, I HIGHLY suggest you CLICK RIGHT HERE!
It’s well worth the investment!
katie says
Would you mind telling us what the $49.00 gets you? Do you pay that fee every season?