A couple days ago, I wrote about the newest addition to our house,
Fucking Rainbow Loom.
You can read about that here.
In case you live under a rock,
or are fortunate enough to have children who are in their twenties,
or no children at all,
Rainbow Loom is a piece of plastic, another piece of plastic, 24 tiny little pieces of plastic, and about 400,000 rubber bands.
You are supposed to use all four of those things in combination to make a bracelet.
A couple days ago, I assigned Number 3 the task of figuring out how to do this.
The only thing he accomplished was breaking the hook, which had been lost for days and took us about 45 minutes to find.
Number 3 has been having some issues with his behavior in school. His teacher and I have set up a little system where she writes a number on a scale of 1-10 on a post-it and sends it home with him to let me know how he did during the day.
So I told Number 3 that when he came home with a 10, I’d help him make a bracelet.
He came home with a perfect score yesterday.
So last night, I went straight to You Tube.
I googled how to make a Rainbow Loom bracelet.
There are thousands of videos.
Most of them made by annoying little 7-year-old girls who make these fuckers in about 47 seconds with the skill and dexterity of a neurosurgeon.
Number 3 sat down next to me.
“Thank you for making me a bracelet, Mommy,” he said sweetly. And appreciatively.
I had already lost most of my patience. I was already about 14 steps behind the annoying 7-year-old.
“Can you just leave me alone so I can figure out how to do this???” I snapped.
It took me 2 tries, but I finally figured it out.
“I did it! Number 3! I did it! Do you want your bracelet!” I was feeling rather proud of myself.
He ran upstairs to the office.
I handed him his bracelet.
I waited with anticipation for my hug, and to hear the so infrequently uttered words,
“You’re the best mom ever!”
He took one look at it, threw it on the floor, yelled,
and ran out of the room.
So much for being sweet and appreciative.
This shitty little bracelet,
which took me 30 minutes to figure out how to make, is called the single pattern bracelet, which is, apparently,
so two months ago.
Because now those annoying little 7-year-olds are making
the Fishtail
and the Starburst
and the Zippy Chain.
And now it’s not just bracelets.
They Rainbow Loomineers are making other crap now.
They are making
This smiling family, who are clearly disciples of Satan,
promised me
Super fun?
There is nothing super fun about Fucking Rainbow Loom.
Instead of super fun, I got a kid in a time out, the world’s lamest bracelet, carpal tunnel syndrome, and a raging case of rheumatoid arthritis.
Where’s Erin Brockovich?
I smell a class action suit.
If you are known to drop the f-bomb then you should probably own this shirt. Click here to get it.
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Thank God my kids are only 2 and 4 and they have no idea what the hell this is! But I know, when the time comes, there will be something just as equally or more annoying than this!
My #1 found the starburst bracelet video on YouTube. She started it, but laid it out incorrectly and it did not work. So my husband and I said, we can figure this out…three hours later and two aggravated adults saying lots of 4-letter words…she had a starburst bracelet. It sucked three hours out of my life.
The title alone is awesome! The instant I read that, I was laughing.
So. This reminds me of Transformer hell, I experienced last Christmas. My son wanted a Transformer, I managed to find a sale at Target that I could match with a coupon and got one for free. It was free, but I had to drive an hour away to find the closest Target, thank God I had to go there to return items.
The Transformer fell apart EVERY 10 seconds, which resulted in tears and tantrums. I had to consult the instruction guide EVERY single time to put the damn thing back together. UNTILL my youngest child ATE the instructions, I was officially fucked. SO I managed to find a used transformer that stayed together, the good kind, made of metal, for a $1 at a thrift store to replace the shitty one.
I HOPE for your sake, that Fucking Rainbow Loom, looses it’s magic SOON. Remember Floam? And GAK? And MOON SAND? They ALL lost there Charm.
My 8 year old daughter has the rubber bands (because I was too cheap to buy the loom) and she can whip out a pattern bracelet in a super hurry so I know just what you are talking about:)