Number 4’s birthday is the day before mine.
Hers is on September 17th and mine is the 18th.
We started a birthday tradition kind of by accident on Number 4’s 7th birthday.
And ever since then, we’ve had a birthday “experience” together.
She skips school for the day and we do something fun.
This year Number 4 wanted to go shopping.
Brandy Melville is her favorite clothing brand, and all she wanted to do was go shopping there.
There are only a few Brandy Melville stores near us. There are two here in CT. One is about 45 minutes away and the other is an hour away.
She had been to the one about an hour away, and it’s a really small boutique-type store. She was a little disappointed.
So our plan was to skip school on Wednesday, head to Westport where the other store is, and make a day of it. There are lots of cute shops in Westport in addition to Brandy Melville, so we would go there first, then check some other places out, get lunch, and go home and have cake and ice cream that night.
But then Number 4’s friends told her the Brandy Melville in Westport was lame.
So on Tuesday night on the way home from swim practice she asked me if we could go to the one in New York.
She didn’t know exactly where in New York it was and we are only about 15 minutes from the border, so it could have been potentially closer than the stores in CT.
She Googled it.
“It says the address is 519 Broadway, New York, New York,” she said.
“That means New York City,” I told her.
We are only a little more than an hour away from NYC, so at the last minute we changed our plans.
And on Wednesday morning we headed into the city.
It was a day of firsts for Number 4.
First time in the city.
First time on a train.
First time on the subway.
It was a beautiful day.
We did a lot of walking.
We spent some time in Bryant Park.
Number 4 was not disappointed with the Brandy Melville store.
It was big and everything she wanted to get was there. And since she asked for money from my husband and my parents and me, she was able to get everything she wanted.
She was so happy.
We had a great day.
I gotta say that being in the city with Number 4 is DEFINITELY an experience.
She enjoyed and appreciated every minute of it.
I’m so glad we went.
I’m so grateful we were able to share that experience together.
And also, I really can’t believe that Number 4 is a teenager.
It’s hard to see her so grown up sometimes.
But that’s a part of the mom experience.
I’m looking forward to being her mom in this next chapter of her life.
I live this birthday tradition! My Sarah is in her 16th year of teaching and every year we go shopping for a back-to-school outfit. Girls can be tuff but the good times are really good.