I have never been a fan of winter, really.
And it’s not really even winter yet. It’s still technically fall for another month.
But today we had our first snowstorm here in Connecticut.
The kids had an early dismissal because the snow was supposed to start around the time the kids were getting out of school, but it didn’t start snowing until a little bit later.
We’ve probably gotten about four inches or five inches of snow so far.
I don’t know what is happening to me, but today I am really enjoying the cold, New England weather.
I’ve got a couple pumpkin spice candles burning, the house is warm and cozy, and as I type this I’m bundled up in my pj’s and fuzzy robe, hearing a little bit of freezing rain hit the window nest to me in my office.
The snow didn’t really start piling up until after dark, but that didn’t stop the kids.
Number 6 and 7 found all their snow gear on their own without any help from me — and they found not only snowpants and two matching gloves and their neck warmers but also BOOTS THAT FIT (which is an early Christmas miracle) and they played out in the snow in the dark for a good ninety minutes.
I had to take the obligatory first-snow-of-the-season picture — and they are terrible because it was so dark out, but the kids were just having so much fun sitting in the snow in the front yard.
Of course they went straight for the eating snow option.
Because that’s what you do when you are seven and eight years old.
You eat snow!
What’s better than eating a bunch of fresh, crisp snow?
If I lived down south, my kids might never have these memories.
They came inside tired and rosy-cheeked and peeled of their wet gloves and boots and pants and asked if they could have hot cocoa.
Of course they could.
Because it’s a snowstorm in New England on a school day and that’s kind of a requirement.
I really enjoyed experiencing this snow through my kids’ eyes today.
But you know what else has given me an appreciation for this snow?
While there are plenty of people on Facebook complaining about it, swim practice was cancelled for us.
And that meant we all slowed down.
We didn’t have to rush anywhere.
There was nowhere for us to go.
We just chilled out, ate a nice dinner, warmed up after being out in the snow, and then we snuggled on the couch under a bunch of blankets and watched a movie on the couch.
It was the quintessential snowy New England afternoon and evening.
And I feel super fortunate to be able to experience days like this with my kids.
There is really nothing to complain about.
All the seasons have something to offer, and life is pretty darn good.
Yes!!! School was let out early, I left work at 3:30, but the greatest gift was the cancellation of all evening activities. It felt like a true break at a time when we really needed it.
I love that you just enjoyed the moment. It can be magical and reminiscent. I am not a fan of so much scheduling and events for children. They are all special and have different talents. That will shine through in the end. There is enough pressure from school work etc. Let them enjoy the simple things while they can. It goes by fast.
When your kids love sports the scheduling is unavoidable, especially with multiple kids. But we all welcomed the break last night!
My radio station challenged people the other day to find the positive in winter, even if you absolutely hate it! After months of unending, dreary rain I am looking at the snow with welcome eyes. It makes everything look so fresh and pretty when it falls, I would much rather look at that than rain! A cozy fire and hot cocoa while watching a movie sounds just about perfect!
I guess I just don’t want to spend 25% of my year complaining about something I have no control over. Accept it, embrace it, and find the good in it 🙂
I am cold….all the time….I’m always bundled up, but I LOVE snow. It’s so pretty and fresh and new looking (well, while it’s coming down and when it first piles up). We had a whole snow day here in the St. Louis area and nothing better than spending the day with the last one at home. We played games, then went to the movies. And, it looked so beautiful out!