A couple years ago I had this idea to hold a weekend retreat for women, and in particular, moms.
The idea turned into a vision, which turned into a dream.
And last year the dream became a reality when the first annual Not Your Average Weekend was held at the Interlaken Inn the last weekend in February.
I first had this idea because what I’ve learned in the past eleven years is that it is very easy to lose yourself once you become a mom. It is easy to stop taking care of yourself. It is easy to get into a rut. It is easy to forget how fucking awesome you are.
And I wanted to provide an opportunity for women to try something that might get them out of their rut, have fun, to laugh, A LOT, to let their hair down, and to not have to take care of anyone else other than themselves for two days.
Last year we learned how to salsa, we tried yoga, and we tried pole dancing. Some of us got massages. We sang. We ate. We drank. And we laughed. A lot.
We didn’t cook, we didn’t do dishes and we didn’t fold laundry. We didn’t listen to endless whining, break up any arguments, or send anyone into a time out. We weren’t woken up in the middle of the night by a crying child or a snoring husband.
It was awesome.
This year in planning for the weekend, I was advised to raise the prices because for everything that was included in last year’s prices it was a steal. Literally.
So I did that. I raised the prices.
I did it for a couple of reasons.
First, like I said, I was advised to do that by a couple different people. And secondly, after my husband’s accident and him being out of work indefinitely, I was looking at it as a way to bring in some income.
But in reality, it didn’t sit well with me. Not because it wasn’t worth the price.
But because the weekend became very difficult to swing financially for lots of women, and especially women like me who were on a budget.
And those are the women who I really wanted to be able to have a break.
Plus, I also know that when you are not in alignment with the price you are charging for something, that is sent out to the universe. And I haven’t even publicized the weekend because I have felt so out of alignment with the cost.
Now ideally, I would have spent the last few months lining up sponsorships and raising $10-20,000. Had I done that, I would have been able to lower the cost considerably.
But with my husband’s accident and life in general and not enough hours in the day, I just couldn’t swing it.
But now my husband has a job, which has changed our situation a little bit.
Things are different. And I really want to offer this weekend to readers as a thank you for being so supportive. Not as a way to make money.
So I have lowered the price as low as I possibly can, and I am offering it at cost.
The prices now are what the Interlaken is charging me. And not a penny more.
That’s right! Not Your Average Weekend 2016 (March 18 – 20) prices have been slashed to as low as they can go:
$335 per person based on Quad Occupancy for the weekend
$365 per person based on Triple Occupancy for the weekend
$395 per person based on Double Occupancy for the weekend
$525 per person based on Single Occupancy for the weekend
What does that mean?
That means if you book a room with three other ladies, you pay only $335 for the entire weekend.
The entire weekend.
That includes:
- 2 nights stay in a really nice hotel room
- two dinners
- two breakasts
- one lunch
- happy hour on Friday and Saturday night
- limited open bar on Friday night
- open bar on Saturday night
- (optional — but highly recommended) yoga and salsa classes on Saturday
- Saturday night karaoke, DJ, dancing, photobooth
I know! It’s ridiculous, right? All that for as low as $335!!! That includes tax and everything!!!
I am working on adding knitting/crocheting classes on Saturday as well as a cork and canvas type of event to possibly kick off the weekend on Friday… I’ll keep you posted on that!
For more information on what will be offered, CLICK HERE and also be sure to like the Not Your Average Weekend Facebook page to receive updates and important info!
To reserve your room, call the Interlaken directly (1-800-222-2909) and let the receptionist know you are making a reservation for Not Your Average Weekend. He or she will know exactly what to do! (All that is required at this time is a $100 deposit (transferrable, but non-refundable). The balance can be paid at any time up until the actual weekend)!
Don’t wait too long… There are only 100 tickets available, and at this price, I expect them to go quickly.
I am SO EXCITED! It’s going to be an amazing weekend! Hope to see you there!
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Gosh – wish I lived in America!! Have loads of fun:) Mel NZ 🙂