Last week was crazy.
So crazy that on Friday I totally forgot to take everyone to Number 5 and 6’s art show at preschool.
A few kids ago I would have beat myself up over it.
A few weeks ago I probably would have too.
But now I know better.
Because you will fuck up.
Multiple times.
But your kids will survive.
In fact, chances are they won’t even remember.
So if you are beating yourself up…
You are not the first, and you won’t be the last.
All moms will, at some point, do at least one of the following things:
1) Forget that tooth under the pillow.
And if tonight happens to be your night, in the morning, remember that sometimes the Tooth Fairy leaves the money under the bed.
And sometimes the dog scares her away.
Other times, the Tooth Fairy’s GPS malfunctions.
They will get over it.
Especially when the Tooth Fairy finally delivers.
And yes, the Tooth Fairy has, at times, taken 3 days to show up.
2) Forget to pick her kid up.
Your kid will survive.
The people who want to go home and had to wait for you will be way more pissed than your kid is, anyway.
3) Totally miss a game because you brought your kid to the field at the wrong time.
Your kid will hate you for a while for this one.
Your kid will survive.
4) Sign up to bring a snack for the class party and then completely forget to send it in.
There is plenty of crap at a class party.
They won’t even notice.
5) Skip the award banquet only to find out your child was supposed to receive the Most Awesome Kid in the History of Ever Award.
Don’t worry.
Once your kid gets the award, he won’t really care.
6) Miss the game where your kid scored the game winning run or shot or broke the school record.
Hopefully someone got it on video.
7) Send your kid to school after he tells you he feels sick, and then pick him up an hour later after he pukes all over his classroom.
At least you didn’t have to clean up the puke.
8) Forget to meet the bus after school and leave your kid stranded on the bus, alone, with the bus driver.
After you do this 3 or 4 times, the bus driver starts to bring snacks for your kid.
9) Tell your daughter her arm is just bruised. And then finally go to the doctor and learn that she broke it. A week ago.
The bright pink cast will make up for that.
10) Completely forget about the birthday party for that kid in her class.
Be thankful for that.
Those things suck anyway.
Yup….I have done all of these!
I’m disappointed that the mom that wrote this thinks her kid will survive. She obviously had a much better mother than she is. Any kid that has been in these situations will remember them into adulthood and wouldn’t put their child through the same. Teaching your child to be respectful and to care would be a better blog post subject in my opinion.
My kid never remembers
To Kate G. Of course our kids will survive these things, no doubt about it. Our host is not saying that these things are good its just that I’m sure all of the best mothers on the planet have done one or more of the things listed. We all try to teach our kids to be ‘respectful’ and ‘to care’ but you can be both of these and still slip up here and there along this journey with our kids. I think the point of this post is that we are all human and somehow our kids understand that, eventually.
Thanks for the tooth fairy tips! I know I’ll mess that one up more than once.
Yep to all lol. And the mother above who is disappointed must be that “perfect” mom we all roll our eyes at. These aren’t awful in the grand scheme of things. Stop the mom-shaming.
LOVE this! So true. The tooth fairy took about 4 days to come for a tooth of our 11 year old last week. I think he stopped checking after day 2. All I could think was, “Geez, does he REALLY still believe in the TOOTH FAIRY?!” I’m quite sure he just wants the cash.
And Kate G. – you’re kidding, right?!
Personally as a kid I forget but it is still the guilt in my mother’s heart she is loving and caring and no matter what loves me I forget and I survive its a way of life I haven’t forgot when she does awesome things like “accidentally” bought you too much on your birthday so no matter what crap you get she has done good things thank you mom