A couple days ago I posted this picture on the NYAM Facebook page with the caption
in love with my office rn.
Some people didn’t really believe it was my office.
It’s my office.
I wanted to give myself a really awesome work space.
So I did.
When I came to check this place out for the first time, I immediately fell in love with this room:
I knew it had a ton of potential.
This is going to be my office, I told Allyson, my good friend and realtor.
I was officially divorced and still living with my ex-husband and I could not wait to have my own place.
I loved this room so much that the day we closed on it, I got the keys, packed an air mattress and my grandmother’s dining room table in my car, and set myself up for my first solo night in my new house.
I set it up as best as I could that first month, with used furniture from friends.
I originally was going to paint over the pine paneling but I chose to embrace it.
I’ve had fun turning it into a cozy spot.
I love my office in the winter because I love my fireplace.
This is the view I have right now as I type this.
Now I have a desk and my grandmother’s table is my work table. (and my puzzle table)
Here’s what my office looks like now:
I just love this room so much.
And I was right. It does make the BEST office.
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I am jealous. You nailed it and made a great cozy office. I usually comment to you “Strongwork” as you progress in life. For this accomplishment I would say “Cozywork”. You had a vision.
Hey Brian! Thank you!