Yesterday I shared some pictures of my new house with you.
Something you may not know about me is that I love to decorate.
I love remodeling and repurposing and redecorating and re….EVERYTHING.
I’ve just never really had the time to do it, and our old house had so many problems that redecorating was pretty far down the list of priorities.
Also, having lots of young kids and very little wiggle room in my budget, redecorating just wasn’t really an option.
Or I figured, Why bother.
But now that my youngest is nine years old, we are out of the drawing-on-the-walls phase and the sight of an uncapped Sharpie doesn’t send me into a tailspin.
So redecorating my new place doesn’t feel futile.
It feels exciting!
Now that I’m a single mom and money is going to be even tighter for a little while, I’m gonna have to be creative with how I make changes around here.
I’m not a huge fan of natural wood.
I’m more of a PAINT ALL THE THINGS kind of chick.
Especially the knotty wood paneling in my new office.
The first time I walked into this room I said, “This is my new office.”
This room is actually the biggest reason why I fell in love with this house.
But I wasn’t in love with the pine paneling.
The plan was to paint it white.
But after painting the VERY dark wood paneling down on the first floor, the desire to paint more paneling has officially left the building.
And so, after some careful consideration, I’ve decided I’m embracing the pine paneling.
It’s growing on me.
So here it is in its current state:
Right now I’m using my grandmother’s old dining room table as my desk. But it’s a little too big for the space.
Luckily I have an amazingly talented friend who is a designer, a furniture restorer, and a general badass.
Her name is Kelly and Hi-Valley Home is the name of her business.
And she’s sending me a desk she refinished!
Here’s a picture of it…
Isn’t it awesome?
In a little over a month it will be in its new home.
In my new home.
Here are a few more pictures of my office as it is now.
Here’s the fireplace.
Right next to the fireplace are some great shelves and storage.
There are two big windows and a cute window seat.
Here’s the view from my desk.
This is opposite the fireplace.
(Both chairs in the office were free from friends).
Number 7 and the cat love especially love the chair.
It’s right across from the fireplace and one of the coziest spots in the house.
And pretty soon it’s going to be in the coziest room in the house.
Stay tuned for a makeover on a budget!
I’m really happy for you, Susie. xo
So good to see you on my run a couple weeks ago! Thank you!!!
I can totally see what a transformation it would be with white paint on the walls and maybe medium/dark gray on the paneling above the fireplace. But I’m lazy so I’d probably be trying to embrace the wood for a while too.
Maybe in a year or two. I’m happy for you all.
I see why you fell in love with that room! The view, the shelves, the fireplace….all awesome!! So happy for you and your family!!
Favorite room in the house! Thanks Tracey!
you inspire me….
I “found” you about 5 years ago when i was at a point of desperation. I had 7 kids, the youngest 3 being 3, 1 & infant!!
& as I “reconnect” with you again I am in a better place in a sense, kids are a bit older, but I have been seperated for the last 8 months and divorce is looming.
A few months ago, I decided to “let go” and take on myself and doing things for me. I stayed in the house, my husband left to go with his parents for now. But I transformed my room and made it my own space.
Over the last few months I have slowly put my own touches on things and rearranged and hung new things based on my own liking. I share that “powerful feeling” of making things your own.
I feel much stronger, independent and have learned I dont “need” someone to help me. I am able. It’s been a journey.
I appreciate you sharing your journey.