My surgery is in four days.
I am told, depending on who I talk to, that I will be out of commission anywhere from one to six weeks.
That’s quite a window.
I hope I’ll be one of those super speedy recoverers.
Five or ten years ago, I would have expected myself to get through this all on my own. Without help from really anyone.
I would have leaned heavily on my parents, but that’s it.
I would have tried to do too much, too soon.
My directions are to avoid bending, squatting, anything strenuous and lifting anything that weighs more than a milk jug for six weeks.
Six weeks!
The kids and I have been practicing hugging because they are afraid I won’t be able to bend down to hug them again until April.
I am hoping I am not in too much pain so that I can take full advantage of a week of rest.
Then we will see.
I know what can happen when you are not patient.
With age comes wisdom. The wisdom that it takes a village.
I’m not afraid to ask for help when I need it. I’ll lean on my friends when my body reminds me I need a little assistance.
Some of my friends swooped in before I even had to lean.
A friend set up a meal train for me.
I happily thanked her.
For two full weeks I won’t have to worry about dinner, and neither will my husband or my parents.
The day of my surgery the meal train friend and another mom friend are taking all the kids after school and getting them to where they need to be until my parents pick them up.
Yesterday morning I wasn’t quite sure how the day of my surgery was going to go, and now everything is all set and the kids have gone from being worried about me to being super excited to hang with friends after school on Monday.
I will recover overnight in the hospital knowing that I don’t have to worry about anything.
Moms are amazing.
They take care of each other and they get shit done.
I’m so grateful for all my getting-shit-done mom friends.
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