When I was in middle school there was one bus driver who was unlike all the others.
Her name was Mrs. Perry.
She had great hair. It was blond and smooth, and it always looked so shiny and clean.
She always wore Treetorn sneakers and crewneck sweaters. She was the preppiest bus driver I have ever seen.
And she was tiny. She could only reach the gas pedal with her tip toes.
I always wondered how her leg didn’t get too tired to stay in that position.
Anyway, there was something very comforting about having her as my bus driver.
Well, it has only taken 30 years, but I have a new favorite bus driver.
Her name is “Miss P.”
Now Miss P did recently discover my blog. She did tell me I was hilarious. And she did say it was kind of her new obsession.
But that’s not why I love her.
It certainly doesn’t hurt, but it’s not why.
Let’s be honest. Bus drivers don’t get a whole lot of respect. But they do something that the rest of us would never do.
They drive 20 or 30 or 40 kids, who aren’t even theirs, around in circles for like an hour.
Without a dvd player.
Or a radio.
I mean, I’ve got a video playing if I’ve got more than 2 kids in the car and I know they’re gonna be in there for more than 10 minutes.
And mine are strapped in so they can’t even go anywhere.
So in addition to safely delivering Number 4 to and from school every day, Miss P greets her with a big smile and a “Hi Babe!”
Every day.
Without fail.
When Number 4 inevitably forgets something on the bus, Miss P hand delivers it to me the next day.
And when I’m standing in the driveway, braless and in my pajamas , she doesn’t bat an eyelash.
Yep. I love Miss P.
And once everyone gets to second grade, I’m taking her out drinking 🙂
nice story 🙂
I love this post! And it’s so true! I only have my little baby boy right now, but I still get scared to drive longer than 10 minutes because you never know when he’s going to have a full-on meltdown when I can’t do anything about it!
Miss P. sounds great!
I just found your blog and I’m loving it so far!
My Peanut Butter Problem