Number 6 has a temper.
And when he gets really mad, he has four go-to lines:
I’m gonna thwow you in the gahbage (he can’t pronounce his r’s),
You aw not the best mom evah,
I’m gonna punch you,
You’wah stupid.
Last September, I took Number 4 and Number 7 to the doctor for their yearly checkups.
Their birthdays are within a couple weeks of each other, so I take them at the same time.
Last year, Number 4 did her best to have me taken away by DCF at that appointment.
If you didn’t read about that, click here. It’s a good story.
So anyway, I stopped stressing about all the questions the doctor asks you at those appointments a few kids ago.
I know my kids are fine.
Number 3 has always been great with fine motor skills. Ahead of the curve.
Number 4, not so much. But she was talking way before she was supposed to.
Same with Number 5.
Number 6 started walking early but talking late.
And Number 7 is no different.
I remember at Number 4’s 2-year appointment the doctor asked,
“How many words does she know?”
And I said,
“All of them.”
She asked,
“She should be able to make a 2-word sentence. Can she?”
I told the doctor that Number 4 could make a 2-page sentence.
Number 7 will be 2 in a month.
She just started really talking about 6 weeks ago.
You know, saying words that anyone could actually decipher.
I was thinking to myself that the doctor was going to give me a hard time at her checkup because she can’t link 2 words together to make a sentence.
Well, my worries are over.
Yesterday, Number 7 didn’t just connect 2 words,
she said a three-word sentence.
And that sentence was:
But we don’t have to tell the doctor that part 😉
technically its a 4 word sentence. Your’re=You are.
You’re right. She’s clearly a genius. Just like her mother.
and I can’t spell…..you’re=you are…
I have 4. During number 3’s 18 month check up the doctor was describing how he should be able to point to what he wants and say the word etc. Then, my son turned to him and said “Can I please have that book?” It felt good, like I was some sort of really good exreme mom. Then, he told the doctor that he had a bug bite on his “junk”. Ahhh…”junk”. Then great equalizer.
I forgot which doctor’s appointment, where they asked, “Does she say at least 20 words?” Like I sat down and actually counted them. They should send these questions home a week before the check-up, so you can at least attempt an somewhat accurate answer.