I have been at this pool since 6:15 this morning.
It is now 6:15 p.m.
I have been here for 12 hours, and I have (hopefully only) 2 more hours to go.
I’ll do the same thing tomorrow.
And again on Sunday.
It’s a three day meet, it’s trials in the morning and finals at night, Number 3 and 4 are swimming in it, and they both made finals, which is why I’m still here 12 hours later.
Here is what I have learned in the last 12 hours:
1) My body is incredibly proficient at producing sweat.
2) There are women who can come to swim meets in cute little outfits with cute shoes, never have a hair out of place, and always look put together, and never even so much as even glow.
I am not one of those women.
3) I cannot function well on three hours of sleep.
4) I can fall asleep pretty much anywhere.
5) Parents — many parents — have forgotten the reason why their kids are swimming. (FOR FUN, SILLY PEOPLE). Your eleven-year-old’s entire future is not on the line at this — or any — swim meet.
6) My kids will always surprise me when I least expect it.
And they are pretty awesome.
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