It’s been a little over two years since my divorce was finalized. I have learned A LOT in the last two years.
The biggest lesson I’ve learned has been about fear.
I just wanted to send you a little reminder.
I stayed in a really messed up marriage for a long time because I was afraid. I was afraid of the unknown.
There were a lot of things I didn’t think I’d be able to handle. I was wrong.
I’ve handled them all.
When I made the decision to leave the house I’d raised the kids in when I left the marriage, that was REALLY SCARY.
It ended up being one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
My new house is on a lake.
I wanted to learn how to stand up paddleboard, but I also have an open water phobia. Especially a lake phobia.
Last summer I sucked it up and taught myself how to paddleboard.
A couple weeks ago it was over 80° outside in Connecticut in April (ie that hardly ever happens) and I couldn’t wait to get the board back out on the lake.
I spent over an hour padding around.
It was so awesome.
And not scary.
When you practice doing scary stuff, doing scary stuff is a lot less scary.
It reminds you that you can handle whatever life throws at you.
And when life throws hard shit your way, there’s a good chance some really awesome stuff is on the other side of it.

Stay courageous,
Amen sister!
Being “single” has been such a gift. I’ve pushed myself, figured things out and tried new things. I even adopted a child and while at times it’s hard- it’s also beautiful knowing I’ll never have the battles over parenting and or custody issues. I make all the decisions.
Currently on a cross country road trip alone with my now 7 year old. Feel the fear and do it anyway!!!
Very slowly letting go of so many negative what if’s…. Way more fun pondering all the positive ones.
Thanks for your article. Congratulations on enjoying and exploring this amazing life. Xo