You know how I feel about school projects.
I hate them.
In fact, Miss P, Number 4’s bus driver, recently told me this story…
Last week a student walked onto her bus carrying a big project.
She asked him, “Wow! What’s that?”
His answer?
“My 100th day of school project…
Like I’ve said before, I think they should be done 100% in school.
And I can say that because that’s how I did them when I was a teacher.
The parents LOVED me for it.
Well, Number 4 handed in her 1ooth day of school project last week.
And I told you we had some issues coming up with 100 things that she didn’t either keep eating or hiding.
I briefly considered using the 100+ tampons and pads that my kids opened and destroyed last week…
I wanted so badly to do that.
The administration at Number 4’s school already kind of hates me.
I’ll save that story for another time.
But to see the look on the principal’s face when Number 4 came marching through the door with a poster full of tampons…
Well, that would have made my day.
Or year.
But with 3 kids left who have to go through that school, I figured I should hold off on the 1oo days of menstruation…
I’ll save that for when Number 7 is in 1st grade.
I’ll go out with a bang.
So I ended up using this awesome suggestion from a reader/teacher/former teammate (THANK YOU!!!)…
It’s totally free (except for the posterboard), involves no food or glue, and it turned out pretty cute.
I wish I had taken a picture, but I forgot.
Anyway, trace your kid’s hand 20 times.
20 hands = 100 fingers.
Number 4 has 21 kids in her class, so I wrote her name in block letters in the middle of the poster board, and then surrounded it with 20 hands.
Then I gave her a class list, and she wrote each kid’s name inside one of the hands.
She colored “nail polish” on the hands and colored in the block letters for her name.
It involved little work from me, and she was able to do a large part of it by herself.
I know it’s a little bit after the fact for this year, but save this idea for whenever your next kid has to do this project, or when a friend is looking for an idea.
If you have other projects coming up and are at a loss for ideas or looking for a way to horrify your child’s teacher, here are some other suggestions to help you get started…
I think a little photoshopping was involved in some of them.
At least, I hope so…
You better hope not dude, because James Brown is going to kick your ass…
Huh, I guess it’s been scientifically proven…
I see porn in this kid’s future.
Cabbage… Nice.
That’s a good one.
And finally, some little known facts about our president…
R.I.P. Mohammed Ali.
Yay! Glad you could use my idea. And yes, projects do suck! Last weekend the principal at my kids’ school assigned black history month essays. Grade 3 = biography of their choice (not awful, but it WAS a holiday weekend). Grade 6 = how African-Americans influenced the legal system. Seriously! They haven’t even studied the legal system and their social studies theme right now is ancient china. I see the correlation. Keep us all laughing and inspired. Gotta run – swim meet this morning!
Jaime, it was a great idea. I feel kind of stupid for not coming up with that myself 🙂
Throwing in those themed projects just for the sake of a themed project to go with a holiday really really piss me off. Because you know the teachers probably don’t even really look at them…
I used to HATE the 100 day projects! In our school it was done in K – 3, which meant at one point I had four to “oversee” at once. And the worst part about it? They had to be tshirts. However difficult a kids project is to do on posterborad can easily be multiplied by 100 to work that shit onto cotton. What is WRONG with teachers????
My daughter wanted to use 100 M&Ms to make an American Flag. Luckily, 100 days is around Valentine’s Day, so you can buy the Valentine colored M&Ms (red, pink and white). I bought another bag for the blue…plus you can eat the leftovers:-)
If we had used m&m’s, then I would have eaten them all before the project was done…