I worked really hard to make it to, and through, that marathon on Sunday.
But I couldn’t have done it without help.
I had a lot of help and a lot of support.
And I need to say thank you.
To everyone who sponsored the first annual 5K for Christopher, thank you.
Thank you to Dietter Properties for your huge contribution. If you are a home buyer, a first-time home buyer in particular, check their shiz out.
Thank you to Conntect. If you need some compressor cleaner, get it from them.
Thank you to Allyson Kane. If you need a kick-ass realtor, contact her here.
Thank you to Dan Kane. If you need awesome pictures of your kids or your family, click right here.
Thank you to to Agriventures Agway. Spend your money in their store on Route 7 in New Milford.
Thank you to Iovino Brothers. If you need some t-shirts made, they’re your guys.
Thank you to Timing Plus New England for timing the race.
Thank you to Candlewood Day Spa, Eurolux Salon and Day Spa, Hot Stone Massage, and The Rustier Nail for the gift cards.
Thank you to Nicole, for planting the idea in my head in the first place.
Thank you to Diane, for pounding the pavement, and going way out of your comfort zone to help me get sponsors.
Thank you to Sonja for your patience and guidance and advice.
Thank you all the runners who ran in my race, and to all the volunteers who helped out.
Thank you to Sandra, for the awesome and free and 75 minute long massage the week before the race. It was exactly what I needed.
Thank you to my parents, for babysitting all weekend so not your average dad could come to the city with me.
Thank you to everyone who donated to the race. I’ve raised $4,430 so far. $530 over my minimum. THANK YOU!!!
Thank you to whoever the guardian angel is who gave me the God money for the hotel the night before the race, and to Jennifer for putting me in touch with her.
Thank you to Erica, who came to watch her husband, but who waited, and waited, and waited at mile 15 until I got there, and screamed her ass off for me.
More thanks to Erica for not hating me when I never even saw here there.
Thank you to Kate, for coming to watch me, and for running with me at just the right time.
Thank you to Megan, a former student, who sent me the message on Facebook, describing the feeling I’d have at the end of the race.
You inspired me.
Thank you to my husband, for watching the kids on those long practice runs. And for allowing me to recuperate afterwards. And for coming to share the experience with me. And for cheering me on. I love you.
And thank you to all of you who encouraged me, who followed my journey, and who supported me with words of motivation and inspiration from the moment I decided to run this marathon until the very last step of the race.
I knew you were watching.
When I felt really tired and like I might need to stop and walk, I thought of you.
You kept me going.
You all kept me going.
And I couldn’t have done it without you.
Thank you.
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I’m sure you have no idea the number of people you’ve inspired along the way