We are down in NC on vacation for two weeks, but my husband started a new job recently so he was only able to stay for one week, and Number 2 is also working this summer, so the two of them left and went home yesterday.
So I’m flying solo with Number 3 through 7 until Saturday.
I made a list of vacation goals last week when we got here, and one of them was to sleep in past 8:00.
And I had planned on getting up early this morning before the kids got up, but I stayed up way too late watching Olympic beach volleyball last night, so I figured today was a good day to check that goal off the list.
On a side note, Number 5 is obsessed with getting her ears pierced, and she is doing her best to wear me down just about hourly. Seven days a week.
Every day she tries to negotiate, and every day I tell her no.
On another side note, I have officially reached the point where I’m basically blind without glasses.
So this morning I was awoken at approximately 8:07 by this:
It took me a while to really wake up.
I was still partially blind.
And then I noticed the earrings.
And they were mine.
Where did you get those?
I told you, Number 5 is on a fucking ear piercing mission.
And Number 7 is an animal who, at times, doesn’t appear to feel pain.
If they pierced their own ears the day after he left North Carolina, my husband was going to lose his shit.
Mom! Don’t you like my earrings?
I felt the beginnings of a heart attack coming on.
Mom, I told you I was ready to handle having pierced ears!
And then she turned sideways.
She had MacGyvered a pair of earrings for herself and her sister using ponytail holders.
I went from being horrified to being impressed.
It was a pretty ingenious move.
But for the rest of vacation, just to be on the safe side, I think I’ll set my alarm for 6 a.m.
My mother wouldn’t let me get my ears pierced when I was a kid despite my pleading either. She was convinced it was far too painful and she didn’t want to put through that (she never had her ears pierced). When I was thirteen, she sent me to Europe to visit her sister for the summer, and the first thing my aunt did was take me to have my ears pierced, and of course it hardly hurt at all). I was so happy, and it took all my courage to walk off the plane after the summer was over back into my mother’s care. She just looked at me with regret and said “I knew my sister would do that”, and never mentioned it again. My hubby and I decided we wouldn’t stop or girls from getting their ears pierced, what was the point? My elder daughter begged us when she was six, and our younger daughter (who was four at the time)was not to be outdone, and decided to have her ears pierced at the same time. Our younger daughter was a breeze, apparently she felt no pain, but our elder daughter ran crying from the ear piercing chair after the first ear was done. It took 2 hours and ice cream to get the second ear pierced….for a short time I was convinced that or elder daughter would only ever have one ear pierced. One thing is for sure, she will never get another piercing or tattoo after that experience. I wish I could say the same for my younger daughter!