I am on Day 11 of a self-issued September challenge where I have set the goal of writing 30 posts in 30 days.
I have been sitting here at the pool while my kids swim for almost 2 hours now and I have succeeded in doing pretty much absolutely nothing.
The past 2 nights have been horrible with a very sleep deprived daughter who has a lot of sleep anxiety when she can’t fall asleep immediately.
And so I’m very sleep deprived.
Because when this kid can’t sleep, I don’t get to sleep either.
It’s a situation I need to find a solution for, but right now my brain is not functioning.
Since I’m too tired to write anything of substance I thought I’d share some pictures from my phone that represent the reality of my life and aren’t perfect.
Here is the cracked tile in my bathroom floor:
I know you’re jealous.
Here is a zoom in of Number 6’s face from a photo on vacation:
Here is the Baltimore Tunnel on the way home from vacation:
Here is the desk we ended up getting for Number 5 at the Elephant’s Trunk last weekend. She loves it.
Here is the corner of the yard I was going to make into a garden in May.
I got this far. And then the garden fell by the wayside.
And here is Number 6 at a wrestling clinic last Sunday.
He LOVED it.
Okay. Cross your fingers for a decent night’s sleep for me.
See ya tomorrow.
I’m going to bed at 7pm myself cause I’m sleep
Deprived. And my son is a wrestler! One of the hardest sports ever! Even tougher to watch their first match. He just doing a clinic or he on a team? Once u get past wanting to punch the other kid for hurting and/or turning your sons body in ways you never thought it could, you totally get into wrestling!
Where’s the picture of the mushroom? We all
Have cracked tiles- so that one doesn’t count
My daughter went thru the same sleep anxiety. I needed her to realize she could put herself to sleep. I took a plastic medicine cup from an over the counter medication. Filled it with very cold water. I told her it was special medicine to be taken only when she really couldn’t sleep. That she had to lay down in bed because it works very fast. And don’t worry it tastes just like water. Worked every time. Gives everyone a night of sleep and leaves the daylight hours to address the anxiety.
Ugh! Not sleeping is the worst! Have you tried meditation? I use an app called Calm and they have these wonderfully boring stories go lull you to sleep! This has helped me! I never had trouble sleeping until I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer as a mom of two little boys! So if you try this, I hope you have fabulous results too! The app also has guided meditation, including for kids, and soothing music. Good luck!
I had a kid with night terrors until he was 10, nothing like getting woken up every few nights by high pitched screaming. I had to wait until he grew out of it, good luck, being sleep deprived is the worst.
I believe you’re married to a general contractor/carpenter as I am? The couple times he wouldn’t fix shit that had gotten to be a hazard, I just told him I was going to call the appropriate subcontractor to do the work. It usually got done that weekend by him.
We are back on track!
I have tried that trick with the hiring of someone else and it didn’t work so well. I’ll have to come up with a plan B. 😉