I don’t have extravagant tastes.
I’m not super concerned with keeping up with the Joneses or having the best of everything.
I mean, I went to school to be a teacher, after all.
But you know what?
I’m sick and tired of worrying about money.
It’s fucking exhausting.
And it’s not fun.
And, well,
I want some fucking money.
A lot of it, actually.
I’m not a Coach handbag carrying, BMW driving, Chanel wearing kind of chick.
And I don’t really care about diamonds or Louboutins or dressing my children in Abercrombie or whatever the most sought after name brand is these days.
But I never, ever, EVER want to have to worry about money again.
And there is some stuff that I want.
So I’ve been doing a little homework, and I’ve been doing a lot of reading.
Including this article from Forbes.com entitled, “Why You Should Be Writing Down Your Goals”:
“…There was a fascinating study conducted on the 1979 Harvard MBA program where graduate students were asked “have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?” The result, only 3% had written goals and plans, 13% had goals but they weren’t in writing and 84% had no goals at all. Ten years later, the same group was interviewed again and the result was absolutely mind-blowing.
The 13% of the class who had goals, but did not write them down was earning twice the amount of the 84% who had no goals. The 3% who had written goals were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97% of the class combined!“
People who write down their goals are much more likely to be successful.
Yes, this article was looking at success solely in terms of earnings.
But that’s what I’m most concerned about right now.
I’m successful in pretty much every other area of my life.
But the financial side of things eludes me.
I’ve been talking about making a vision board for about two years now, but I just never manage to get around to it.
And you know what?
Most of the shit that I’ve been talking about hasn’t been happening.
Maybe it’s because I haven’t fully committed.
As they say,
So no more fucking around.
I might as well write my dreams down here. And officially make them goals.
Here they are:
1. I will start working on my vision board. And I will post a picture of it on the Facebook page on Monday, March 9th.
2. I will have 4 paid speaking engagements per month, beginning in May 2o15.
3. Not Your Average Weekend 2016 will sell out in less than one week.
4. I will be a featured speaker at an all-women’s business conference before the end of 2016.
5. I just recently signed on with Rodan & Fields. Rodan & Fields will give me the keys to a new Lexus on or before March 4, 2016.
6. On March 4, 2016, I will write a post describing how, in one year, I went from being on food stamps to earning six figures.
7. In the summer of 2016, I will take my family on a two week vacation to North Carolina.
8. By December 2016, I will have one full-time employee. And an intern.
9. I will have my own satellite radio show by December 2017.
10. Number 5 is my girly girl. She loves princesses. Number 4 grew out of that phase before I even had a chance to think about getting her to Disney World, and it bothers me. A lot. Before Number 5’s seventh birthday, I will take the whole family on a trip to Disney World. I will give Number 5 the whole fucking Disney Princess Experience, and I will bawl my brains out as I watch her having the time of her life.
11. In February 2017, I will take my family on vacation to the Conquistador in Puerto Rico.
12. By December 2017, I will have 3 full time employees and Not Your Average Weekend will take place in two locations. At least.
13. By August 2018, I will own a second house on the beach.
14. September 18, 2019 will be my 50th birthday. It will also be my 15th wedding anniversary. On September 18th, 2019 I will board a plane to the place I went on my honeymoon, and I will spend a week at the Ocean Club on Paradise Island with my husband.
15. By December 2019, I will have a charity devoted to providing at least $50,000 a year to families going through financial hardships.
So let it be written. So let it be done.
If you could use some help getting fit, my next e-course starts on March 9th.
Let me help you get yourself in shape now! Summer will be here before you know it!
Click below for details!
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Have you ever listened to/read Dave Ramsey’s stuff? His principals completely changed the way we look at money. I went from bankrupt without a dime in savings to being so close to being debt free I can taste it, and having a healthy emergency fund. Making LESS money than I did a year ago. That shit is awesome.
Your goals are commendable and it seems pretty clear to me that you are destined for success. BEST wishes for ALL your success.
I was going to ask the same about Dave Ramsey – financial peace university. It has changed our lives in so many ways. We had a huge pile of debt and never enough money. In 5 years we’ve paid off over $60,000, used cash for everything, have an emergency fund & get to do things we want like pay college tuition & go to Disney because we have a united plan & vision. No worries about money any more. The other side of this is that the class teaches Gods way of handling money. It blew my mind how much financial advise is in the bible. The class brought our family back to church which is the bigger win here. Part of the less worries is because of my faith that God will provide what we need and He always does.
Good luck on reaching your goals!
it’s going to be so excitig to see yoi make this happen
Check out MrMoneyMustache.com. This man is very blunt on finances and blogs about money. Give it a try!
Ditto on both Financial Peace and Mr. Money Mustache! My hustand and I are on week three of Financial Peace and what I like most about it is that we are attacking this Money problem together. We are both making more than we ever have in our lives and we feel absolutely broke – something is definatly wrong with that! We LOVE the cash envelope system and the idea of setting aside money to blow on whatever… I have a tendancy to hold the reigns really tight and not spend on myself so it’s great already to have that kind of freedom.
Mr Money Mustache is different that Ramsey but great too. I find that I didn’t get the instruction for climbing out of debt (how to budget etc…) from the Mustache blog but her really affected my thinking about what it means to “make it” and what a luxury really is… I discovred that I honestly live a pretty priveledged life and that I really can ENJOY simple things because of the experiences and memories they give me. That perspective has actaully helped make doing the Ramsey budget easier because I don’t feel like I’m depriving myself of things in order to one day live like the rich and famous… I think it is making this lifestyle change more sustainable.
I will check these out. Our issue isn’t debt, though. We don’t really have debt other than our mortgage. We don’t have credit cards. We own our cars. We have pared things down to the bare minimum and still are not even making half of what we need to pay the basic necessities. And that is after being on SNAP. Our kids are all playing sports for free. Preschool is paying for 50% of the kids’ tuition and my parents are paying for the other half. We haven’t taken a vacation in three years. We never eat out. I haven’t bought clothes for the kids in over two years now — all their clothes are hand me downs. Our Christmas presents were provided by my community for the last two years. My husband has taken a huge hit in the construction business in the last 5 years and is making about a quarter of what he used to make. So we need to generate more income, and we are really struggling with finding ways to do that.
Hey, I know what it’s like not having money! I have 4 kids and my husband works as a driver fro an auto dealership making $12 an hour! and that is more than he used to make when he was working as a server. I see that you are about to start a workout program. Now would be a great time to sell Thrive by Le-vel. It is a vitamin/nutrition supplement designed to help the body work as efficiently as possible. It’s an awesome product with an equally awesome business model. Please feel free to message me at sherikng@yahoo.com or you can find me on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/sheri.wallace.3
Hope things get better soon!