If you have been around here for a while or you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, then you know I was on the Dr. Oz Show this morning.
I want to tell you all about it, but I’m waiting on some pictures.
So let me say this, because it’s related.
Last week after I found out I was going to be on the show, I wrote this post.
I received lots of nice comments.
And then I received this not-so-nice one:
Jesus. Unfollow.
It was accompanied by this private message:
You come off like an egotistical selfabsorbed jerk. Its not about you. No one reads you for your superstar iamhereandthere posts. Mothers follow you for themselves. If all you have to offer is omg am am such a big star oprah is my friend, you have nothing to offer any more. Regs
Wait? Did I even mention Oprah?
And are we friends?
Because if we are, I’m kind of pissed that she’s not giving me a whole boatload of free shit.
Anyway, a year or two ago, these comments would have really bothered me.
I would have beat myself up and obsessed over them and questioned whether or not I was a good person.
Don’t get me wrong.
They still bother me.
But not because my feelings are hurt.
I know who the real jerk in this situation is.
I don’t expect everyone to love me or get me.
But I do expect adults to have a little respect. To not resort to name calling and personal attacks that are just downright mean and nasty.
I cannot understand why people feel the need to just shred someone for absolutely no reason.
If you want to unlike me or unfollow me, I don’t need an explanation.
Or closure.
You will not be the first one who is just not that into me.
If there is a program on television that I don’t care for, I change the channel.
But I don’t write to the stars of the show and tell them how they have nothing to offer me. And call them names.
If there is a song on the radio that I can’t stand, I don’t message the singer on Facebook and call her a jerk.
I just change the station.
I really don’t understand the need to be hurtful.
And to be honest, I’m a little confused by the comment.
I was pretty floored by the fact that I was given the opportunity to be on the show.
I know it’s not like I was walking the red carpet at the Academy Awards, but it was exciting.
To me, it was an extremely big deal.
I felt really honored to be a part of it, and I felt a little starstruck sitting just feet away from Dr. Oz.
And the fact that I was recognized in whatever capacity as a direct result of working my fucking ass off for the past two and a half years,
I’m going to brag a little bit about that.
Maybe even a lot.
Now just to be clear, I’m not done talking about the Dr. Oz Show and the fact that my ass was sitting up on that stage.
So if there are any other people out there who think I’m a self absorbed, egotistical jerk because of it, you know what to do.
Just be a grown up, and do it quietly.
By the way… this is a blog.
I write about myself.
And yes, I think I am interesting enough to take up a bunch of space on the internet and devote it to myself and my family.
So I guess you might be a little bit right on the egotistical part.
But you’d be hard pressed to find a mom blogger who wasn’t a little bit self-centered.
And for any of you who have ever taken a selfie,
welcome to the self absorbed, egotistical club.
You are automatic members.
All of you except for the asshole who left me that comment.
That holier than thou beeotch is banned for life.
One click on the banner = one vote! THANK YOU!!!
Ah…a good, old fashioned, nasty facebook comment smack down.
Love them!
I couldn’t help myself.
Let’s get on with life without THAT looser bitch and her fu*ked up comment. On to more important things: I will still need a ride from the airport!!! :>)
You – are – awesome!!!!!
Awesomely self absorbed 😀
I don’t get people at all. Why do people have to be so nasty! I for one was thrilled for all of you Moms! Sounds to me like that person was a bit jealous!
As a follower since you started (like two it three months in) I feel I read it to follow YOU! You are much different than I, you have qualities I don’t and I appreciate that, plus seeing how you make differences in your life and follow through is encouraging to me. I’m not “friends” with you, but I’m still happy and excited for you when your hopes and dreams come true. Yes, who cares about that comment, but please know that your readers do care about you and your blog…. We are happy for you and your achievements, sad when you are, and yes, it’s for ourselves, but we care about you or you wouldn’t be #1!
Oh, thank you Sandra. That really means a lot to me. And I know how most of you feel. That chick just really pissed me off 😉
how is being excited about something and writing about it “egotistical” or jerky? I think that maybe this person that wrote you that message was a wee bit jealous maybe? Or maybe…..(and dont throw me into the frying pan about this comment) getting ready to start her um…cycle? Or maybe this person was a mean girl in high school and never really grew up. I think we need to feel sorry for this person….and hope she finds happiness at some point in her life….because right now? she’s obviously a pretty unhappy person.
I was totally thrilled for you and I can’t say that I would behave any differently. I agree in this crazy world people need to learn when to share their opinions and when to just keep them to themselves…unfriend me, don’t follow me, don’t read me, all that’s fine, but you don’t need to call me names to me (I guess you can behind my back – can’t stop you there). 🙂 Belated Kudos for Dr. Oz – I can’t wait to read more about it!
I cant wait to see your Oz show! That commenter just wants to drag you down. Keep going!
You are writing a personal blog…so of course, it is about YOU…that is why we read it. We see a bit of ourselves in YOU, YOUR family and YOUR ups, downs and in-betweens. YOU say it like it is and it makes us laugh, cry and realize that good things come to those who work hard, love their family and believe in themselves. I think that your recent good fortune to be on Dr. Oz struck a chord with that reader who may have recently had a setback or a disappointment and their comment was them lashing out. Hopefully, they don’t stop reading because they will see that your tv appearance followed years of hard work and perseverance with your own setbacks. Congrats Susie and hope that there are many more TV appearances! DVR alert!
The only thing that could’ve topped this is if your children wrote the comment. They just don’t understand parental wins. That’s because they’re children.
Sounds a bit jealous to me. She’s trippin bc she’s not hanging w dr oz and maybe NEXT, Oprah! You deserved every fucking moment of today! You are loved, you inspire, and you keep shit real!!! You are reality and you make women all over feel better, EVERY DAY! This was your time to gloat and every party has to have a fucking pooper.
Just like the chick who commented about your “pucker” in every picture. WTF people, lighten up!
Ok, I feel better…lol
I for one can’t wait to hear more about the show! Life is about happiness, when something good happens to you shout it from the rooftops and find any reason to celebrate. People who care about you want to hear it!
I think it is important to share the good things going on in your life. This was important to you and you shared it with your blog community. Sounds like this person was having a bad day/week/whatever. I strongly believe in “Don’t rain on someone’s parade.” I am so happy you were able to go on the show…what an awesome experience.
If someone only wants to read your blog so they can say “oh, my FUS is nothing compared to hers, I’m much better off”, you are better off without them
I’m in Africa I relate with many of your stories. Its her loss.let her unfollow, unlike, unsubscribe away.
I love reading your blog – I don’t have kids, but I like to think I would have the humor you do if I did. Don’t let any buttfaces bring you down.
Congrats on a big awesome, and thank you for telling us about it.
People at the bottom are always trying to knock those at the top – down. You go girl. Congrats!