Number 7 loves her blankie.
Four four and a half years, it has gone with her wherever she goes.
To country fairs.
To a UCONN swim meet.
In the crib while chillin’ with her big brother.
Hanging with these two
or with Mom.
Watching the Memorial Day Parade.
Goofing around with Number 4.
In bed, of course.
At the breakfast table.
And the bus stop.
But on Friday she went to school.
And for the first time ever, unprompted and from out of nowhere, she said to me, “I don’t want to bring my blankie into school.”
I should have been happy.
But I felt like someone sucker punched me.
For the first time since she was born, I drove home without her.
But with the blankie.
She’s one day closer to not needing her blankie at all anymore.
The problem is, I’m not sure I’m ready for her to not need it.
Because when the blankie goes, I move one step farther away from Mommy.
And one step closer to Mom.
I want to teach her to be confident and independent and to not have to rely on anything for comfort and reassurance. To be able to find that within herself.
I want to do my job as a mother.
But I’m really not ready to lose my title of Mommy.
Not just yet.
I know it’s Mother’s Day.
But tonight, I’m going to soak in as much of the momminess that’s still left in this house.
Cause who knows how many of those moments I’ve got left.
Happy Mommy’s Day to you all.
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