I have always had a potty mouth.
When I started the blog, I decided that I would write exactly the way I speak.
No holding back, dropping all forms of the word fuck, left and right.
I kind of felt like I should.
Especially after getting the question,
What religion are you?
You know,
because if you have 7 kids then you must be Catholic.
Or a Mormon.
So then I’d really let the f-bombs fly.
I felt compelled to show people that some moms with lots of kids are just bad ass.
And not conservative.
Or prim and proper.
I know the language can be offensive to some people.
I’ve been having this battle with myself.
Is it time to tone things down?
Do I need to curse as often as I do?
I do.
There is nothing like a good
fuuuuuuuuuck that.
Or a what the fuck?
And sometimes motherfucker is just
A few weeks ago I was out having drinks with a couple people, and I was discussing this same thing.
Should I clean up the language?
Bill Cosby doesn’t swear.
In public, anyway.
Neither does Ellen.
I mean,
I don’t want to get all soft,
and mature,
and evolved on people.
But last week,
I got this comment on the blog.
Hi Susie! I love your blog sooo much!!! I read everyday…
Okay. I like where this is going…
I kept reading.
Today I was at practice for the JV cross country team and I was basically dying. But then I thought of you and how YOU ran an NYC triathlon plus conquering one of your biggest fears, how YOU lost all that weight, how YOU are raising 7 kids successfully (enough), YOU are organizing your own 5k, and how YOU are inspiring so many others to do what you’ve done. And you know what? I kept going. For you. You gave me strength. Thank you so much.
More inspiration.
That feels good.
But wait.
Did she say JV cross country?
That’s around Number 2’s age.
Maybe it was a typo.
I kept reading.
A little more about me: I’m a 13 year old girl and I’m an only child whose (who’s??) always desperately wanted to be a part of a big family and at some point i stumbled upon your blog and, well, I love it! I laugh sooo hard!
That is Number 2’s age.
So now the language is even more of a dilemma.
I didn’t know there were 13-year-olds reading this.
I want to be a good role model in all aspects of my life.
But the language?
That’s gonna be tough.
Because I kind of kind of operate under this philosophy:
There’s no such thing as bad language…I don’t believe that anymore. It’s ridiculous. They call it debasing of the language…NO! We are adults…these are the words that we use to express frustration, rage, anger, in order that we don’t pick up a tire iron and beat the SHIT out of someone. ~Lewis Black
Maybe it would make me a better person.
But I’m afraid the cursing isn’t really going anywhere anytime soon.
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My 15 year old daughter reads your blog. She reads it and I hear her laughing from the other room. She is not offended by your language. She doesn’t seem to curse (because I sit up at night and read her texts) but every one of her friends, and her mother, uses the “F” word on a daily basis. It’s not like it’s something she’s never heard before. I say leave it in. “Fuck” is one of my favorite words. I use it all the time. It feels good and it gets the point across. Please don’t change. I’m fucking begging you.
I think at 13 or 15 most kids have heard it all (especially these days). I swear like a truck driving sailor at work. At home? My 7 year old thinks that “oh snap!” is the biggest swear ever. People come here voluntarily…..if their sensibilities are too delicate for an occasional F bomb (because honestly you don’t use it as much as you think you do) they need to just click the red x and move on.
I am thinking about the post you wrote of your (not) dying grandmother. When you said, channeling her, f—- that…, it was hilarious! I think I even read that one to my husband.
Ha! You are funny. Did I really say that? Oops.
Eh. Grandma wouldn’t care 🙂
Dear Susie, I have been reading your blog for awhile. I have read ALL of them and have greatly enjoyed ALL of them..EVERY word. Don’t change. That said,
I don’t curse and I very rarely use bad language. I just don’t see the need.
There are other words to use. Sometimes the F word is the only one to use.
Sometimes “RATS” or “Cottonpick” are better words to use but in the end we all know what you really wanted to say. I don’t say OMG I say “well my goodness”! It’s a choice. I agree with the other commenters. If we don’t like the words you say, we don’t have to come here. We all have choices.
I chose to come here and read your words. ALL of them
Don’t worry! I hear it so often at school. At my school most of the kids curse. Me on the other hand… It doesn’t offend me but I don’t like to use it. Kids my age definitely shouldn’t talk like that. Adults, it your life. Also if you’ve got a good reason…
You just keep being you!
Earlier today I was at a parade, but we were standing in front of the fence to an outdoor beer garden. They had a guy singing live music, he was good and it saved my sanity from the kids pulling at me and whining about when the parade starts…..and then….
he sang the country song “I’ve got my ass in the water and my toes in the sand” and I thought to myself
“maybe I should move the kids, what are people going to think about me sitting here with little kids, allowing them to hear this”
but I never moved, because if they don’t hear it, they will not know when it is appropriate to use that language and when it is not appropriate to use it.
Hi Susie! I absolutely love your blog 🙂 I’m 14 years old and your such an inspiration. Last Christmas I found your blog and was hooked. I went through the whole website and read Every. Single. Post. Since the beginning. I look forward to reading your stories and appreciate the humor, I always laugh so hard 🙂 You set such a great example for your kids and are a great role model for others too. It’s amazing hearing about your weight loss journey and about your races. I wish you tons of luck on your 5k! I am not sure if I wanna have 7 kids when I grow up, but I can always read your blog. (Don’t feel bad about the language though, we certainly hear worse at school 🙂 Keep making blogs forever and know that you have readers who enjoy your posts tons! Thanks a lot for being an amazing blogger!