The last three weeks of my life have been extremely overscheduled.
This is due to a whole bunch of factors I won’t bore you with, but many — okay… most — of those factors were of my own doing.
Taking on too much being one of them.
But also, tomorrow morning I am leaving for a two week vacation with Number 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
And don’t worry. My husband isn’t coming and will be home, so I haven’t given pillagers an open invitation to loot my house.
Knowing that I was going to be leaving tomorrow, I packed a whole bunch of stuff into this past week so I could get it done and leave knowing I didn’t have a buttload of things hanging over my head waiting for me when I got back.
Trying to get all that stuff done in addition to four day swim meets the last two weekends and a triathlon for three of the kids this morning, I am shot.
And I am so looking forward to this very much needed break.
We are going to my happy place.
I am looking forward to no triathlon camp (even though we loved it) and no swim practice.
I am looking forward to spending undistracted time with my kids.
I am looking forward to being in the moment.
I am looking forward to yoga on the beach.
I am looking forward to taking walks and riding bikes and eating ice cream and playing cards and boogie boarding.
I am looking forward to early morning runs.
I am looking forward to walking to the pier with my parents and the kids.
I am looking forward to recreating this picture 3 years later.
I am looking forward to this walk to the beach.
I am looking forward to reading books.
I am looking forward to going straight to the ocean before we even check into our place.
It has been three years since I’ve taken a serious vacation, and I have worked my ass off to be able to give myself and my kids two weeks away.
And I can’t wait for tomorrow.
It’s going to be awesome.
Enjoy every minute! We just got to OCMD today…Louis and Sarah and Stephen Frederick and his wife Kerri and my husband Lou…love this week of doing nothing!
That’s awesome that Stephen came! Have the best time!
Oh Susie! Enjoy, God knows you and your family deserve it! So thrilled for you!
Thank you, Alison!
You’ll have a blast being with your favorite people!!
That’s the goal!