After a long, long time of refusing to invest in myself, I’ve turned over a new leaf.
I know it’s not just me.
I know there are a lot of you out there who refuse to buy new clothes for yourself because you aren’t the size you want to be.
You are waiting to be a specific size because at your current size you don’t deserve new clothing.
Maybe it’s not clothing.
Maybe you want to invest in your health but you just can’t rationalize the expense.
In the meantime, you have your kids signed up for seventeen different sports, programs, and activities and dropping major $$$ to pay for it.
They are worth the investment.
Not so much.
It took me a long time to shift my mindset around this to where I understood the value of investing in myself.
Investing in the health of my body.
Investing in the health of my brain.
You know, investing on the insides of me.
But so often we still neglect our outsides!
Why do we punish ourselves with this self-talk that we aren’t worthy of clothing that we look good in and feel good in because we aren’t the size we were before we had kids? Or when we were in high school?
It’s just silly.
And dumb.
We deserve to invest in ourselves inside and out.
Up until a couple months ago, I was wearing the same pair of black leggings almost every day.
They were like two years old and they were horrible. They were stretched out and saggy and 100% see-through in the ass area if I so much as leaned forward.
I am not all about having massive amounts of new clothes and a different outfit to wear every day.
But what I know is there is a difference in how I feel when you take pride in my appearance and when I don’t.
I’m no longer willing to neglect ANY part of myself.
I did it for too long and it didn’t benefit my family in any way.
About six weeks ago I attended a Zyia Active party a friend of mine was hosting, and I decided it was time to purchase a few decent pieces of workout clothing.
I had been working my ass off in the gym and I was wearing huge, oversized t-shirts, many of them full of holes, and my see through leggings, and it was embarrassing.
Since I spend a decent amount of time working out and being active, I wanted some clothes that were not only functional, but cute and flattering.
And comfortable.
I fell in love with everything and immediately became a rep.
I’ve had so much fun the last six weeks since joining Zyia.
Is it what I want to focus all my energy on?
Not at all.
But it fits 100% with my philosophy and my attitude toward life.
Move your ass every day.
Make your health a priority.
Make exercise a part of your daily routine.
And invest in all parts of yourself.
I’ve earned quite a bit of free clothing (over $700 worth so far) and more than 20 items at 50% off.
I’m working on developing a Zyia capsule wardrobe for myself! It’s almost complete!
Have I capitalized off my blog following?
I’ve worked my ass off for the past 8 years and this is one of the benefits.
Zyia Active is 100% a network marketing company.
It’s not a sure thing for most people. I get that for a lot of people who venture into this kind of thing they end up making little to no money.
But you know what?
So do people who open restaurants.
So do people who start a small business.
Nothing is a guarantee. But this is an opportunity for me and for many other women. (and men!)
I’m not gonna try to convince anyone to join me in this or pressure anyone into becoming a rep.
It’s fun and VERY VERY VERY LITTLE TIME OR EFFORT on your part.
I do all the work!
It costs you nothing, and you’ve got nothing to lose.
But you CAN qualify for free and discounted stuff.
I’m having a blast in this new venture and added income stream.
Here are some of my favorite outfits:

If you are interested in hosting a party, I’ve got four openings left in October.
Shoot me a message me on the Not Your Average Mom Facebook page or email me at susie@not-your-average-mom.com.
I also have a Facebook group — Susie’s Badass Zyia Community — where I post daily.
If you want to join me there, click here and request to join!
I’ll be sharing my favorite Zyia stuff here on the blog each week.
If you have questions, let me know!
And let’s book a party!
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