Number 7 smashed my iPad screen on Saturday.
Totally shattered it.
I was a little bit pissed.
I’m sure it’s fixable; I suppose I can have the screen replaced.
But it won’t be cheap.
So I’ve just left it sitting on my bedside table.
And you know what?
I haven’t missed it.
I haven’t lost it and spent any of my very limited time trying to find it.
I haven’t gone to use it only to find that it’s out of batteries.
I haven’t gotten frustrated because I can’t get a decent Wi-Fi connection on it.
There haven’t been any children fighting over it.
And now that I’ve been without if for a few days, I’m realizing that buying that thing didn’t make my life more simple.
But breaking it definitely did.
Nabi has a new kids tablet that you can rent for $10 a month. They will replace it if it breaks.
I’m always relieved when my husband’s tablet runs out of battery and we can’t find the charger…….fighting decreases and creative play increases!
FWIW….. you can buy a new screen on amazon and replace it yourself for about $30. Its apparently easy according to my GF