I have not been able to find my Y card or my license for over a month.
Number 3 was playing with his Y card in the kitchen, and sliding it along the wall,
when it slipped out of his hands and slid into about a 2mm crack between the wall and the cabinet.
So that one is gone forever.
Number 4 is,
Number 4.
We haven’t seen her card in a while either.
So you are supposed to show your card when you walk into the Y.
If you don’t have your Y card, you can show any picture ID.
Since I don’t know where my license is, I’ve been using my Costco card.
It’s a picture ID.
So I’m following the rules.
Friday we got to the Y.
I parked the car, and Number 3 and 4 ran in.
I had to get 5, 6, and 7 out of the car, and I always park pretty far away, so it took me a couple minutes to get to the front door.
When I got there, Number 4 was waiting in the doorway.
They wouldn’t let her in because she had no ID.
It wouldn’t really bother me if they held the same standards for everyone.
But I know for a fact that they don’t.
A fact.
I can understand why an adult needs to show a picture ID.
But why a 6-year-old needs to present one to go to swim practice is something I don’t quite understand.
And when my child was singled out when other children just walk past without ever checking in really pisses me off.
I paid the $15 and got 3 new cards.
A new girl at the front desk brought up my info on the computer looked at my picture.
“Do you want to take a new picture,
or do you want to use this one?
She was sweet.
And I would have said the same thing looking at this picture of me:
I HATE having my picture taken, plus this one is good motivation to never get fat again,
so I just kept it.
We stashed our new cards in safe spots.
Yesterday Number 4 went to swim practice.
Practice was at the outdoor pool.
She was ready with her ID.
No one was even there to ask her for it.
But what figures even more, is that after Number 2’s baseball game,
Number 3 came running inside from my husband’s truck.
Guess what I found?!?!?!”
Of course.
now I have 2 really shitty photo ID’s of myself.
I guess I know what to do if I want to find my license.
I mean, I could always use a spare one of those, too.
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Take a photo of your y card. the Y scanners will scan the photo.