Editor’s Note: Please take a couple seconds to vote for me in the Circle of Moms Top 25 Funny Mom Blogs Contest. Place your vote by clicking on that button over there on the right, scrolling down to Not Your Average Mom (at 6 am this morning I was #87), and clicking on the “vote” button. I entered late, and I need to catch up!!! You can vote once a day until February 13th. THANK YOU!!!
You start out in one of two ways.
Without hesitation.
I will never join facebook.
And then, one day, for whatever reason, you break down.
Whichever way you got there, that first week you spend every free moment on the computer. Or your phone. Or your ipad.
Hoping to see lots of people from high school who look way shittier than you do.
And looking at pictures of their kids.
And thinking, “My kids are so much cuter than theirs.”
You learn the ins and outs of facebook.
Then you kind of plateau off.
You stop ignoring your children.
You stop totally ignoring your children.
Until you post something.
A status.
Or a picture.
And then you wait.
For that red number to light up.
You know you do it.
Because, after all, isn’t that why you post anything on facebook to begin with?
Because you want people to say
Oh, how adorable!
Hang in there!
When that red number comes up within the first minute of posting something, you think to yourself,
Ooooooh. This is gonna be a good one..
When the number of likes hits double digits, your mood starts to change.
And when you make it into the 30’s?
All of a sudden, a bad day turns into a good one.
But it can also go in the other direction.
Your kid says the cutest. thing. ever.
And you post it in your status.
Then you wait.
One minute goes by.
Two minutes go by.
Still nothing.
Ten minutes have elapsed.
Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.
Nobody likes the cutest thing your kid has ever said.
And then, after 14 minutes, there’s the red number.
You spirits brighten a little.
Until you see it who liked it.
Your aunt.
That doesn’t really count.
She kind of has to like it.
So, dejected, you decide to fold some laundry.
You will check again when it is all folded.
You come back to the computer…
The red number is there!
And it’s a 2!!!
So you click on it.
Ready to see all the people who have not just liked but also commented on the awesome thing your kid said.
Jane invited you to try I want to add your birthday.

All you need to do is click on the banner above to register a vote for me!
You can vote one time every 24 hours from every computer and cell phone! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! I really appreciate your support!
Check out and “like” the not-your-average-mom.com facebook page!
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