So apparently being called a “mommy blogger” is a bad thing.
It’s like the n-word of blogging. For mommies — oops, I mean moms — anyway.
Huh. I had no idea.
Until yesterday, I didn’t know that being called a mommy blogger is, by some, considered to be derogatory. As one woman puts it, it “drips disrespect.” She compared it to President Obama being called a “daddy politician.”
She requests just a slight revision, and to be referred to as a “mom blogger.”
I guess there’s a huge difference between mom and mommy.
Another woman refers to herself as a “Social Media Mom” or a “Social Media Influencer.”
Those two made me laugh out loud. Especially the second one.
Hi, I’m Susie. I’m a Social Media Influencer.
Now let me bend over and you can pull this huge stick out of my ass.
That’s how bloggers are actually referring to themselves now.
Social Media Influencers.
Look, I don’t want to perpetuate a hurtful stereotype. I don’t want to promote name calling or the degradation of anyone.
But come on people, we are talking about the word mommy.
I mean, where do we draw the line? Why does everyone have to have a fucking issue with everything?
We are running out of words to use.
I know only my kids call me “Mommy.” But really, only my kids call me “Mom” too. My mailman — oops — I mean mail carrier — doesn’t call me Mommy. But he doesn’t call me Mom either. And neither do any of my kids’ teachers. Or their doctors, or coaches or friends, for that matter.
So to me there’s not a huge difference between “Mom” and “Mommy.” But I do still have 4 kids who refer to me that way, and one who can’t even speak yet.
Maybe in 15 years, I’ll feel differently. Right now though, I don’t really mind being called a mommy blogger.
I mean, I’d really just refer to myself as someone who writes a blog.
But as long as you are reading what I’m writing, it’s no big deal to me.
I may be in the minority, though.
So consider yourself warned. And informed.
I don’t want you to piss off any mommy bloggers.
I mean mom bloggers.
I mean mother bloggers.
I mean humans. With a vagina. Who type on a computer.
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I see nothing wrong with the name. Too late, continue on, you are doing a great job!
thank you!
Ha! I think this is one of the funniest things I’ve read recently. I’m not sure why it is considered so derogatory by some. I am a mama. I blog. *shrug*.
Thanks Amanda. I checked out your pictures. They’re really good.
Okay my dear…. Please understand this is said with the utmost respect for you. I love your blog. It is the funniest and wittiest (smart woman) out there. That being said, please answer some questions I am completely serious about. This is directed mainly to the bloggers that don’t like the term *mommy bloggers*. I have thought of starting a blog because I am funny but not as articulate as I would like to be and the grammar rules I have forgotten many. So do you need a college degree in English to write a blog? Do you need to be serious and teach folks about motherhood and fill you in on how you can do it better since you have figured it out? Do you need a huge ego? Do you need a bit of arrogance to cover some insecurities over self confidence issues? Do you feel the need to feel superior to other people? Seriously, do you need someone to remove the large stick that is up your ass? Susie this is the most assinine thing I have read. I have totally lost my interest in writing a blog if these are your peers.
Blog away, Sandy. The only requirement to write a blog is a pulse 😉 I think there are lots of douches who write blogs. But I also think lots of doctors and lawyers and teachers and coaches are douches too. And then there are lots of really cool people who do all those things. I try to just take it all with a grain of salt.