A week or so ago I came across this picture on Facebook:
I really liked it.
So I decided we were gonna do it.
Today, the last activity on our advent calendar was to “open one gift early.”
I got everyone a book and some pajamas.
Before we got to opening the presents, I told the kids, at around 7 pm, that there was going to be no electronics or television for the night.
Number 3 and 6 were a little bit pissed.
But the girls were happy.
And it’s weird, but as soon as everyone opened their presents, their whole demeanor changed.
Well, except for Number 7 who threw a raging tantrum for about ten minutes because she didn’t like the bag her present was in.
But everyone else was really excited.
They opened their books and started reading immediately, even Number 3 who really isn’t that into reading.
Some of them read to each other. Some of them read silently.
And now, at 8:34 on Christmas Eve, for the first time ever, all the kids are in their rooms. And they are quiet.
Two are asleep. And four are reading.
I’m so glad we did this. A new tradition is born.
Have a Merry Christmas, Everyone!
You are smart!!!