We made bird feeders today.
The kids had fun, and they are pretty easy to do.
Everything I used we already had here at home, so the only thing I paid for was the bird seed.
Here’s what I used:
- sharp scissors
- milk jugs
- acrylic paint (because it’s water resistant when it dries)
- sticks found in the yard
- ribbon (because that’s what I had — string/wire/whatever else you have would work fine)
Here’s what we did:
First I washed out the milk jugs and cut 2 or three holes in them. I also cut a small slit under each hole to slide a stick through for the bird to perch on.
Next, we painted.
I didn’t have a whole lot of acrylic paint (because that won’t wash off if it gets wet after it dries), so we mixed it with a little water to stretch it out.
Everyone did a great job painting his or her own jug.
Well, almost everyone.
While the jugs dried, we collected some sticks from the yard.
The paint dried pretty quickly. Thinning the paint out with water and drying the jugs in the sun helped to speed up the process.
Once they were dry, we slid the sticks though the slits in the bottom, and tied the ribbon around the top of the jug.
Then we found a branch for each bird feeder.
We tied the feeder onto the branch, and then filled it with bird seed.
We are pretty proud of our creations, and we can’t wait to do some bird watching tomorrow!
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I work at home so I am always looking for creative things to do with my kids. Thank you for sharing this because I now have a family project for tomorrow. (: