It’s beautiful outside today in Connecticut, so today I just have a quick question.
But first a little background.
My grandma was a very pretty lady, and she always took great care of herself.
But one of the things I remember about her was that she had peach fuzz on her face.
It was light and it wasn’t gross or anything, and I never looked at her and thought, “Whoa. Gma should really do something about that.”
But she had, it, and I remember it.
And she passed it along to me.
I don’t know if I’m just noticing it now or if it’s getting worse as I’m getting older, but I have the exact same thing.
Being blond, it’s not that bad, but if I had dark hair, I would have a serious issue. And a serious mustache.
I’m pretty low maintenance in the beauty department.
I don’t get my eyebrows done, I haven’t had a hair cut in about 6 months, I don’t get my nails done and there is no way in hell I will ever get anything covered by a bathing suit waxed.
So a couple weeks ago was the first time I heard the term dermaplaning.
If you are clueless like me, that’s a fancy word for shaving your face.
With a scalpel.
Women go places and have their faces scraped with a scalpel???
I did not know this.
Then someone shared a YouTube video with me of a chick doing a DIY dermaplaning session.
What the heck???
I did not know this was a thing, either.
(And my husband has never, ever said anything Β to me about the peach fuzz on my face. So this has nothing to do with him.)
I just kind of want to get rid of it now that I’ve learned of this thing they call dermaplaning.
So I’m wondering if anyone is willing to share any insights on this.
Do any of you guys do this?
Do you pay for it?
Do you do it yourself?
If so, what do you use?
If you do pay for it, how much does it cost?
How long does it last?
Does your face get stubbly?
Like if I decided to pull the trigger but then I changed my mind, would I look like Teen Wolf a month from now?
How often do you go?
Has anyone ever fucked up and cut you?
If you live in the Fairfield County, CT area, where do you go?
I’m kind of obsessed with this whole thing.
I need to know!
Curious (and fuzzy) in Connecticut,
Susie π
Just had it done first time last week! Absolutely love it! Helps take off dead skin and gives immediate glow! I will continue doing this. Relaxing and my experience and esthetician was amazing! I live in Toledo, Ohio.
Well now I REALLY want to try it.
Hey Susie, I started doing it about 2 years ago. I had the same reservations as you. It is great. It does. It hurt at all. Your face does not get stubbly at all. The peach fuzz just grows back. I had it done in May- June and I probably could go back soon. I only do it two or three times per year. In addition to getting rid of the peach fuzz, it gets rid of layers of dead skin which helps you’re face better absorb face wash and face creams. I do not do it myself. I found an aesthetician that was highly recommended by friends. I think I pay about $100 twice a year for it. I highly recommend it.
I have dark hair and used to paid to have it waxed, then I would shave the facial hair with a good razor. Now I use an Emjoi Epislim
Hi Susie,
I’ve had it done a few times a year for the past 3 years. The last time I had it done, the gal gave me some side burns… not nice! I bought myself a DermaFlash after that. I like getting rid of my fair fur because my make up sits better on my aging face and it makes me feel a little better π Good luck with whatever you choose to do!