This morning I got a notification from USPS that my package had been shipped and would be arriving sometime between 11:15 am and 2:15 pm.
I ordered some replacement parts for my vacuum early this morning — like around 5:30 — so I knew it wasn’t that.
I could not for the life of me remember ordering anything else.
Had I, in my current state of perpetual brain activity, ordered something I completely forgot about?
The package was coming from Miami, Florida.
What the heck did I order from Miami Florida???
Had I sleepordered something?
I quit drinking almost three years ago, so I didn’t drunkorder anything.
I checked my Amazon orders.
Nothing there.
I checked the vacuum parts place.
Anything there?
I was just going to have to wait and see what showed up at the house between 11:15 and 2:15.
Then I totally forgot all about it.
Around 3:00 I remembered, but there hadn’t been any knock on the door and there was nothing on the front step.
The mailbox was empty.
I came back inside and checked the tracking information.
Delivered. Left in front of garage.
I walked out to the garage and saw a box.
What the heck?
I brought it inside.
On the shipping label it said, There is a note for you under this label.
I peeled back the shipping label and there was a note that read:
Just because it’s nice to get flowers once in a while and you and the Thrive group have helped me so much the past few years.
It was from one of the women in my Thrive membership group!
I opened the box.
It was a bouquet of fresh cut wildflowers in a vase and everything.
I took them out of the box, arranged them in the vase they came in with some water, and put them on the dining room table.
Number 7 walked in and said, FLOWERS! THOSE ARE SO PRETTY!
Number 5 walked by and said, FLOWERS! Where did you get those?
Number 4 walked by and said, FLOWERS! Those are nice!
I don’t know that I have ever gotten flowers just because.
I love flowers.
But I never have them on my table.
That’s partially because it just never crosses my mind.
It’s also partially because my house hasn’t been neat enough to warrant just because flowers.
But it is now.
Aren’t they so pretty?
They totally made my day.
And I love flowers in my dining room.
So three lessons in today’s post:
1) If it’s in your budget, send a friend some just because flowers. It really did make my day and I love seeing them on my dining room table.
2) Flowers are an instant way to put a smile on your face and they are also motivation to keep a room neat and clean.
3) That walipini greenhouse I mentioned on Day 17? It’s going to have an area designated specifically for growing really pretty cutting flowers. Cause what I realized today is that I kinda want to have them in my house all the time.
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