In my membership group, I encourage everyone to spend some time on Sundays reflecting on the past week and thinking about the things they want to keep doing, the things they want to stop doing, and the things they want to start doing.
As the weekend winds down, I thought I would share some of my thoughts on the last two weeks.
1. I am enjoying the solitude.
Yeah, I could use a break from the kids, and I really miss my parents, but I am genuinely enjoying this time at home.
Most people would probably describe me as outgoing, but in reality I’m really happiest when I’m by myself and with my family.
My dream has always been to have an entire compound here at my house so I hardly ever have to leave. I want my own home lap pool, yoga studio, home gym, tennis/basketball court, paddle tennis court, walipini greenhouse, and chickens.
I have a dream of being a serious homesteader.
And now I’m officially on a mission to make that happen.
2. I don’t miss most of the stuff I used to do.
The other day I saw this image on the Becoming Minimalist Facebook page.
It’s not until everything is stripped away that you are able to see the insanity of what you have created in your life.
That’s how it’s been for me, anyway.
I think one of the reasons parenting is so hard these days is because we create schedules for ourselves and our kids that really prevent us from connecting with our family and the people who mean the most to us.
It’s not actually our kids who are driving us insane.
It’s our schedules and what we’ve convinced ourselves is important and crucial for our kids.
3. I spent 18 hours on Facebook last week.
Some of this was for my membership group, but most of it was not.
Like five hours was for my membership and thirteen hours was on stupid bullshit.
Thirteen hours.
That’s almost two full work days.
That’s a lot of workout time.
That’s a lot of actual work time.
That’s a lot of decluttering time.
That’s a lot of one-on-one quality time with the kids.
That’s a lot of meal prep time.
But mostly, that’s a lot of sleep time.
I have to find a healthier and better way to destress and decompress.
Which brings me to the next reflection.
4. My sleep schedule is seriously fucked up.
I have allowed my sleep hygiene to deteriorate over the last two weeks.
Part of this is due to stress.
I worked myself into such a frenzy on Tuesday night that I couldn’t get to sleep.
I think this is highly correlated with the amount of time I’ve spent on social media.
And these are two things I’m going to work on in the next seven days.
5. I really enjoy cooking for my family.
It has been really nice preparing meals for my family where we all sit down together. I have missed that. Cooking for them is important to and enjoyable for me.
It’s something I’m keeping high on the list of priorities when life returns to normal!
6. It’s easy to completely lose your mind at a time like this.
A couple days ago I saw one of the videos that’s being shared all over Facebook about what you need to do when you go grocery shopping so that you aren’t bringing contaminated stuff into your house and I went temporarily insane.
I started panicking about going grocery shopping.
I’m usually pretty level-headed about that stuff, but I completely lost it.
I came back to my senses.
I’m doing all the things I should be doing.
I’m not disinfecting every single item I bring into my house. I just can’t do it.
I’m not stripping my clothes off when I come home from the grocery store and showering like I’m a fucking coronavirus-radiating time bomb.
I’m washing my hands.
And I’m not being stupid.
But I’m also not willing to be a psycho anymore.
(At least not in that department 😜)
7. My kids are funny and creative and awesome.
I don’t know about you, but one thing I have realized in the last couple weeks is that I have spent the last few years managing my kids but not really enjoying them.
Having time to slow down has reminded me of my job in this whole thing.
It’s not just guiding my kids.
It’s also being present for the ride right along with them.
I’m glad you’re not a fucking coronavirus-radiating time bomb!!!! Take care and have fun with your family!!
You and me both! hahahaha!
Susie, does blogging/writing give you a sense of stability/ calms you? From your writing it seems that way, I think we all should have something that gives us that.
Hey Mari,
Writing daily is absolutely cathartic for me. It also really helps me to maintain perspective and take a good look at how I react to things and areas of my life I still have lots of work to do!
I’m super grateful for it!
Anyone can write though — it doesn’t have to be a blog. A journal does the same thing. 🙂
I feel like I have been on a roller coaster non-stop the last few months- lots of high and lows. Sometimes I almost feel like life is back to normal, but I know it’s not. I think it’s important to be diligent with this virus, not paranoid, just careful. I am enjoying the time with my girls, but am stressed about the future. My oldest gets her high school diploma later today! A small, outside party is planned for tomorrow. I am trying to bring her a little joy, and now it’s supposed to rain all day! Ugh 😩 Gorgeous for like 14 days in a row, & now rain the one special day I have planned. 😢 I am going to try my best to remain hopeful & positive that the weather will turn out fine though! Oh, & I agree, simplicity & focusing on simple joys is the way to go! Sorry this is so long! I enjoy your blogs! Have a great day!