We are all capable of achieving any goal we set for ourselves.
This is something I’ve been working on with my E-School members.
What most of us don’t realize about ourselves is that we are all limitless in our capabilities.
We look at other people and think I could never do anything like that.
You are wrong.
The fact that a human being has accomplished anything is proof that you, too, are capable of accomplishing anything.
The difference between people who don’t reach their goals and the people who do boils down to these two things:
- Having an unshakeable core and unwavering belief in yourself.
- Taking massive action.
These two concepts are simple.
But simple doesn’t mean easy.
How do you develop an unshakeable core?
Well, if you don’t already have one, that takes some work.
That’s where the massive action comes in.
Massive action isn’t synonymous with massive amounts of time.
Massive action is synonymous with commitment. It’s showing up every day and doing what you need to do, regardless of your results.
It’s putting in the work.
Massive action could be committing to a marathon training program and finishing it, even when some days don’t go as planned and you run into roadblocks, detours, and challenges.
Massive action could also be committing to flossing your teeth every night, and doing it no matter how tired you are.
The massive action in either scenario isn’t dependent upon the time it takes to complete the task.
It’s showing up and doing it every day.
Yesterday on the Not Your Average Mom Facebook page I shared a real-life story of an 18-year-old girl who accomplished something pretty remarkable.
Her path wasn’t without obstacles.
There were ups and downs.
And she succeeded because she kept going when most people would have given up.
There’s a quote about that…
The stream doesn’t stop.
There may be some periods of drought, but the rains return and with that, the stream continues its flow.
I had a disruption in my flow.
Between the divorce and the move and my life just completely changing, I have had a really hard time getting into a groove.
I’ve been sporadic at best writing blog posts, I stopped emailing my list, and I stopped showing up live on Facebook.
I could look at this as a failure.
Or I can look at it for what it is without attaching anything negative to it.
I stopped consistently showing up.
It’s not a good thing or a bad thing.
It’s just a thing.
I’m taking the lessons I’ve learned from the last few months, and I’m using them to help me keep moving forward toward my goal.
Just like the 18-year-old I talked about in last night’s Facebook live.
I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her for about a week.
I’m so inspired by her.
You can hear the whole story (and some other stuff) in the video below.
Now how about you?
What are you working toward? Have you fallen off track?
It’s okay!
This detour you’ve taken isn’t a failure.
It’s a lesson.
And now you are smarter than you were yesterday.
You know one more thing that doesn’t work and that’s GOOD NEWS.
Because that means you are a little bit closer to what does work.
So show up again for yourself tomorrow.
You have my word that I’ll be doing the same.
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