Number 4 has secured fairly regular babysitting jobs for two different families. Every job she’s done so far has been from about 5 or 6 p.m. to 10 or 11 p.m. She’s there for a couple hours, gets the kids dinner or dessert, puts them to bed, and then has some time to chill out. […]
im gonna have to ask you some Qu-estions
Watching three day swim meets is not all that fun for 6, 7, and 8-year-olds, so while we were up at Zones these past few days, the three little guys stayed with my parents. We didn’t come back until this morning, so my mom and dad were on egg dying, egg hiding, and Easter basket-filling […]
Keep Being You
Today we finished up the final meet of the season. It was a three day meet called Eastern Zones Championships, and it’s a tiring meet both physically and emotionally. We weren’t planning on going to it until about a month ago. Since it was kind of a bonus meet, Number 4 especially was just out […]
Mom, Do You Need A Tampon?
When you are at a three or four day swim meet, you spend a lot of time in close quarters with your kid(s). You are tired and you are experiencing a range of emotions at the pool and you are in a hotel room together and you are sharing a bed and you are in […]
Number 6 and 7 have recently discovered Scrabble. Not the Scrabble Junior version. The actual grown up version. And they love it. They were playing with my husband in the dining room. He was on a team with Number 7 (who is 6 years old) and the two of them were playing against Number 6, […]
Pulling The Grammy And Papa Card
Last week Number 7 made a Christmas list in her journal. It was so cute I had to take a picture: I was going to decipher it for you, but I’ll let you try to figure it out on your own: Stuff ror krismis i Pad 2. FijiT spinr 2. fijit Qub A water Bottle. […]