So a few months ago I decided I wanted to run this retreat weekend for moms. And women.
I guess in general, organizing something like this is a fairly huge undertaking.
But it becomes an even greater endeavor when you only give yourself six months to organize it.
I was told there was no way I could do it.
I didn’t have enough time.
I’d never raise enough money.
Of course to me, that’s not a warning.
It’s a challenge.
So I dove in headfirst.
The planning for Not Your Average Weekend began.
I found a great venue.
I planned some kick ass activities.
Yoga. Pole dancing. Mixed martial arts.
Open bar. DJ. Karaoke.
Pool. Games. A photo booth.
I had about 50 different people tell me they were definitely going. They couldn’t wait.
Between those definites and my crowdfunding campaign, I’d easily be able to secure the deposits for one hundred spots.
Then reality set in.
None of those definites have made a reservation yet.
There are about twenty women who have reserved a spot so far.
But the venue is only holding the 100 spots I’ve reserved until November 1.
After that, they’re up for grabs, and there are no guarantees that they’ll still be available.
So here I am.
Nearing the I-told-you-so point the naysayers warned me about.
I’m not throwing in the towel.
Not even close.
I am supposed to run this event.
I know it.
And it is going to be successful.
I know that too.
If I learned anything in the last two weeks, it’s that I can make pretty much anything happen.
But I do need some help.
So I am asking you to visit my crowdfunding campaign.
There are some really great deals in there to get the entire weekend for more than $100 off the regular price.
There are lots of other amazing perks for anyone who cannot attend but who is willing to make a donation. Even $5 will help.
You could take care of some Christmas shopping.
If you are a dude, you could give your wife this weekend for Christmas. She would love you for it! And you’ll get the house to yourself for the weekend.
If you are looking for a girls’ weekend for yourself and some friends, this is it.
If you swam for Lehigh, make a goddamned reservation and have some fun.
If you are one of those definites who told me you were going for sure, what the hell are you waiting for?
Don’t miss out on the great deals in the crowdfunding campaign. It is only running for 19 more days.
After that, all tickets will be available only at the full price.
If you can’t attend the weekend and you can’t make a donation, you can still help.
Liking, sharing, and commenting on this post as well as tweeting, emailing, messaging, and sending a note via carrier pigeon would all be ways you could help me to spread the word.
Have questions about the weekend?
Now get off the f*&%ing computer and go make that reservation!
I promise, you’ll thank me for it.
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Cheers and happy running to you!