A couple days ago I wrote about my feelings regarding Common Core.
About how I don’t necessarily think the biggest issue in public education today is students’ (lack of) ability to use higher order thinking skills.
But just in case that is the biggest issue, I think Number 7 is in good shape.
After our downstairs toilet had been stuffed with entire rolls of toilet paper,
entire wardrobes,
and an unreachable object that ultimately ended in this:
we finally got smart.
First we did this:
That was obviously a short term solution.
Now, we’ve done this:
A couple days ago, I was up in the office.
It’s kind of a loft, so it overlooks the playroom.
Like this…I took this picture from my office:
So I was up in the office, and I heard a strange noise coming from down below in the play room.
I’ve heard a lot of noises in this house.
I can identify lots of sneaky behavior just by one or two seconds of the sound it makes.
Name that Mischief.
I can name that mischief in three notes, Tom.
Now there’s a game show.
I would seriously kick ass in that one.
Anyway, this was one noise I could not identify immediately.
But I knew it wasn’t good.
“What’s that noise?” I yelled downstairs.
“I GOING POTTY!” Number 7 announced.
I ran downstairs.
Number 7 was squatting over a pink plastic bowl.
Like one of those little tea party ones.
And she was peeing into it.
By the time I got downstairs, she had filled it up, and pee was cascading over the sides onto the floor.
She was pulling her pants back up.
Unbeknownst to me, the bathroom door was dead bolted shut and she couldn’t get in.
I guess she didn’t want to bother me.
So she improvised.
I’d say she’s got the problem solving skills covered.
In fact, you want to ensure that today’s kids are prepared for life after high school?
Make that one of the Common Core Standards.
Because when a chick can squat and pee anywhere on the fly,
without peeing all over her own legs and feet,
then she has demonstrated mastery of one of the most basic skills needed to make it through college.
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Bahahaha! That is skill! If I am out with my 4 yr old bio or 7 yr old bonus and they have to pop a squat the bottoms and shoes must come off
I love the way you always have photos handy to illustrate each disaster of which you speak. We have six kids. My husband and I always say a crisis a day is normal. It’s when you get several happening at once that things start to get hairy.
OMG, I love that child so much! I am dying over here!
I love, love, love the photo you took from the loft.
And I thought I had it bad because my 5yo uses half a role of tp driving my husband crazy. It is really cool of you to share this experience with us.