I think we could all use a little break from election talk.
Or “talk”.
And I’ve spent the morning trying to come up with a light, fun post to just bring some levity to our day.
But I haven’t been able to.
Because I’m tired. I’m drained.
In fact, I’m totally shot.
I am emotionally and intellectually depleted.
And physically I’m not that far behind, either.
And the depletion is not really from the ultimate outcome of the election.
It started there.
But it’s the aftermath that has been completely debilitating.
I think we thought all of the awful exchanges between people would end once the election was over, but I feel like they are just warming up!
It’s fucking brutal.
I read a comment on Facebook this morning that a woman unfriended every single one of her friends who voted for Trump.
One of my dearest friends voted for Trump.
I don’t agree with her at all.
But she’s entitled to vote however the hell she wants.
I’m certainly glad that, on her end, our friendship wasn’t conditional on me voting for her guy!
I have read other Facebook exchanges where women are devastated and canceling Thanksgiving because their extended family members voted for Trump.
What the hell is wrong with people?
I am not happy at all about Donald Trump being our next president. That’s no secret.
But you know what makes me more unhappy?
People who cannot take an honest look at themselves.
I am so fucking tired of the hypocrisy.
I am tired of the people claiming to care about all human beings no matter what color they are or what sexual orientation they are or what religion they are, but then unfriending anyone who voted for someone different than they did.
That makes no sense to me.
You can worship a different god than I do and I will accept you.
You can have sex with a different gender than me, or the same gender as me, and I will stand by you.
But vote for a different person than I do, and you are dead to me.
People! Do you not see what you are doing???
It’s fucking crazy!
And Trump supporters, you aren’t off the hook either.
I have a whole bunch of very conservative Facebook friends who have spent the last eight years saying awful, horrible, and completely nasty things about President Obama and Michelle Obama.
But now that the shoe is on the other foot, well, people are all of the sudden very sensitive.
Yeah, you’re right. Maybe people are being babies.
But you just spent the last eight years being hurtful, spiteful, hateful, and completely disrespectful.
And some of you are still doing it.
I am really fucking tired of people refusing to take a goddamn look at themselves.
And I am really fucking tired of grown men and women, educated men and women, condemning other people for doing the same exact shit they were doing less than twenty four hours before.
Wake the fuck up, People!
If we can’t learn to disagree and talk to each other with civility, then we are all fucked, no matter who our president is.
So there is no light post from me today.
And there won’t be tomorrow. Or the next day.
I’m taking the weekend off. I’m spending it with my family.
I’m connecting with my kids and making sure they know the difference between right and wrong and I’m going to model the fuck out of how to respectfully communicate with other human beings.
And if I fuck up and lose my shit, then I’m going to apologize and teach them how to take some fucking accountability for being an asshole rather than pointing a motherf*cking finger at whoever happens to be closest to them at the time.
And I think maybe it might be a good idea for the rest of the country to do that too.
Now I’m off to get some much needed rest and to take care of myself.
Make it a good weekend. And I mean that in the most genuine way.
Take care of yourself, take care of your family, and make this a really good weekend for your home base.
That’s where it all begins. At home. With the people who love and need you the most.
See you all on Monday.
Amen!! I deactivated my Facebook account just because I can’t deal with how low so many have gone with the attacks and hatred about this whole thing. It makes me sick. This whole election has truly brought out the very worst in our humanity and that scares me more than Donald Trump as president. We will be the cause of our own destruction if we don’t wake up and take a hard look at how we conduct ourselves. Anyway…have a great weekend!!
You are a very good writer; you said what I feel but cannot find the words to say. i”lol just keep watching Netflix since I can”t watch real time TV without one extreme or the other.
I have never commented before, but this post compelled me to do so. Amen, sister! I’m not even on Facebook, but still the negativity and incivility have permeated through to my little corner of the world. It’s sickening, disheartening and scary. This world makes me so sad sometimes. I can only hope that people snap out of it and at least pretend to unite. Like it or not, this is the hand we’ve been dealt. Let’s play it together.
I think it is really easy for some to tutor tut, shake their heads and say the bit about how can you unfriended someone because of the way they voted and shame on you…however. ..as a survivor of incestuous sexual abuse..the fact that a sexual predator who has made incestuous remarks about his daughter. ..well..that gives me the right to take a stand, to say to the Trump supporters. .not okay and no, you don’t have the privilege of being a part of my life.