I had hopes of making a book review a regular feature last year when we went on vacation, and then my husband had his accident and the book reviewing (and reading) kind of got derailed.
But now that we are doing a vacation do-over, I’m trying it again.
First, a disclaimer.
I was not an English literature major or anything in college. So don’t be expecting anything professional.
As a busy and exhausted mom who still does not have large amounts of uninterrupted time to read anything, my criteria for a good book are as follows:
1) Degree of Difficulty — I like to read for entertainment. To escape. And I don’t want to have to think too hard. My attention span and level of energy are better than they used to be, but they still kind of suck. So… it needs to be a fairly easy read.
2) Narcolepsy Factor — I need to be able to read more than two paragraphs before I fall asleep.
3) FWOFF (First Week of Facebook Factor) — Obviously, if I find myself not being able to put the book down, and if I want to ignore my kids as much as I did those first few days I discovered Facebook and Pinterest, then that’s good.
4) Vacuum Factor — It can’t take like 100 or 50 or even 25 pages to suck me in. It kind of has to be immediate.
5) PTBD (Post Traumatic Book Disorder) — When I finish the book, I want to be missing the protagonist. Like to the degree of depression I felt when I watched the final episode of Breaking Bad.
6) The Goldilocks Factor — Too much sex, too little sex, or just the right amount of sex. A little bit of a naughty factor is good. But massive amounts of smut don’t really appeal to me.
7) Zoloft Factor — It can’t be depressing.
8) Do Over Factor — I don’t have to go back and reread pages, paragraphs or sentences multiple times because I can’t remember what the hell I just read.
9) Potty potential — If the chapters are short enough for me to read while I’m going to the bathroom, that’s a major bonus, because sometimes that’s the only time I have alone to read.
10)Neat Package Factor — If the ending sucks, that’s not good. I’m a sucker for a happy ending. Or at least an ending where everything is resolved and wrapped up with a bow and I’m not left wondering why I spent all that time trying to get to the end of the book when I still have no idea how the hell the story finishes.
Now onto this week’s book.
Summer Sisters, by Judy Blume.
First of all, I had no idea Judy Blume even wrote novels for grown ups.
Who didn’t love Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret.
And what about Forever?
My first naughty novel… I loved it!
So if that’s what you think of when you think of Judy Blume, and if you liked reading her books when you were a kid, then Summer Sisters will not disappoint.
It’s not a new book. It came out in 2003. But if you are need of a book to read, this is a good one.
Summer Sisters is the story of two unlikely friends. Two girls who are total opposites who spend every summer together as kids, become very close (like sisters), then have some friendship drama, loose contact, and then reconnect as adults where things really get fucked up. (I told you this wasn’t a professional review).
Now for the scores:
1) DD (10 = easy read, 1 = whoah, I have to think way too hard to follow this shit): 10
2) Narcolepsy Factor (10 = I can’t believe I’m still awake, 1 = I’ve been on the first page for four weeks now): 10
3) FWOFF (10 = I haven’t checked on the kids in 90 minutes and I cannot put this book down, 1 = I think I’ll go check Facebook because this book kind of blows): 11
4) Vacuum Factor (10 = I’m sucked in before the end of the first page, 1 = why the fuck am I reading this?): 11
5) Post Traumatic Book Disorder (10 = What will I do without the main character in my life?, 1 = Wait, who was the main character again?): 11
6) Goldilocks Factor ( 10 = just the right amount of naughtiness, 5 = no naughtiness at all, 1 = I should have just watched a porno): 11
7) Zoloft Factor (10 = it’s all good — no drugs necessary, 1 = I think I need a stronger antidepressant): 8
8) DOF (10 = no do overs necessary, 1 = I think I’ve read that sentence seventeen times): 10
9) Potty Potential (10 = I can finish a whole chapter by the time I have to flush, 1 = how many pages long is this chapter anyway?) 10
10) Neat Package Factor (10 = All situations resolved, 1 = WTF?) 8
Final Score: 100/100
I loved this book. LOVED it. For me it was like the grown up Forever. Both the main characters were relateable and unforgettable. There was just the right mix of fucked up crap in it, and when I was done reading it, I was left missing the book.
A lot.
And it’s a great book to read if you are at the beach on vacation.
Check this one out from the library asap.
You and I share the same book criteria. Your next read should be Kristine Mason’s “Shadow of Danger”. It’s a HOTT suspense thriller. You’ll love it!!!
I’ve been looking for a new escape….and your potty potential score has won me over as its the only time I get alone as well!! Thaks for the review. It will be my next check out at the local library.