If lack of motivation, lack of time or multiple failed attempts are holding you back from making changes in 2021, my FREE challenge will fix that. Register NOW! I don’t make enough time for pleasure in my life. In fact, I hardly make any time for pleasure. Today I made time for pleasure and played
Scaling The Cliffs Of Overwhelm
If lack of motivation, lack of time or multiple failed attempts are holding you back from making changes in 2021, my FREE challenge will fix that. Register NOW! Yesterday when it felt like the entire world was caving in on me and I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to face all the
If lack of motivation, lack of time or multiple failed attempts are holding you back from making changes in 2021, my FREE challenge will fix that. Register NOW! Today was hard. Really hard. Like I-don’t-think-I-can-do-this hard. Run away hard. Numb-yourself-with-food hard. Snap-at-your-kids-and-project-your-anger/frustration/worries/fears onto them hard. Doubting yourself hard. Questioning everything hard. Complete-and-total-overwhelm hard. Fetal-position hard.
Shit Show or Opportunity? It’s your choice.
If lack of motivation, lack of time or multiple failed attempts are holding you back from making changes in 2021, my FREE challenge will fix that. Register NOW! Today — and every day — you will be presented with many challenges. You may be faced with motivational, financial, logistical, parental, marital, emotional, or physical
The Dirty Gross Walmart Moment
If lack of motivation, lack of time or multiple failed attempts are holding you back from making changes in 2021, my FREE challenge will fix that. Register NOW! If you read my post the other day about Number 7’s birthday, you know we spent an hour in hell. Okay we actually spent an hour in
The Right Choice
If lack of motivation, lack of time or multiple failed attempts are holding you back from making changes in 2021, my FREE challenge will fix that. Register NOW! On October 1st I committed to writing a post a day. It’s October 6th, and I’ve been five for five up until today. Today I just don’t