We spend a ridiculous and depressing amount of time looking for blankies in this house.
Numbers 5, 6, and 7 still rely on those suckers to sleep.
So usually, about a half hour before bedtime or nap time, I will begin the search.
Sometimes I’m lucky, and I locate all three of them immediately.
But more often than not, at least one of them is in some random place that no one would ever think to look.
We’ve located blankies in drawers, under couches, in the garage, in the car, on top of shelves, inside planters, the refrigerator. Just about everywhere.
I have no idea how many times I’ve threatened to cut the kids off cold turkey after embarking on one of these blankie search and rescue missions.
It’s incredibly irritating and frustrating.
The case of the missing blankie really pisses my husband off. They need to keep track of their own blankies. This is ridiculous.
Last night I had to run to the grocery store around 7:15.
Number 6 and 7 go to bed around 7:30, so while I was gone, my husband started the process of getting them to sleep. It’s a pretty well oiled machine. Start to finish, with teeth brushing, going potty, reading a story, and everything, it only takes about 10 or 15 minutes.
I got home a little after 8:00.
I opened the door to bring in the groceries to the words “DID YOU FIND THEM YET?” blasting down the stairs.
Missing blankies.
My husband had been searching for quite a while.
He had looked in all the usual spots.
No blankies.
He had enlisted the help of Numbers 3, 4, and 5.
But The Voice was already on, so they were too busy acquiring new, inappropriate vocabulary from Adam, Blake, Cee Lo and Christina to look for blankies.
I abandoned the groceries in the car, and I started to look around.
Where could they have put them this time?
And then I realized where they were.
washing machine.
Double shit.
I reluctantly began the blankie walk of shame up the stairs.
My husband had corralled Number 6 and 7 in their room.
I opened their door.
Both kids were tired and whining for their blankies.
My husband’s patience was wearing thin.
“Well, the good news is I found the blankies,” I said, giving him a big, toothy smile.
“The bad news is,
they’re kind of wet right now.”
My husband closed his eyes, threw his head back, and exhaled heavily.
It’s pretty annoying when it’s the kids’ fault.
When it’s my fault, it’s REALLY annoying.
“Why don’t you guys pick out about 8 or 9 books to read with Daddy?” I said to Number 6.
“Mommy will be back in a few minutes.”
And with that, I quickly backed out of the room.
Sorry, Honey.
Tonight, why don’t I take care of bedtime and blankies?
And then, right after that, I think maybe I should take care of you 😉
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With my middle daughter, we had a nightly routine of trying to find her “ginkies”….pacifiers. I say that plural because she had to have three of them. One in her mouth, and one in each hand. I would swear that I was going to cut her off every time I had to search for them. They would turn up in some of the craziest places…once I found about six of them stashed away in one of my old purses stored in the closet. I was sure glad when she outgrew that stage.
I make all the kids leave their blanket and stuffed animal on their beds, all of the time. If they wander out of their room with it, I send them back in to put in on their bed. That way, we don’t lose it and “the dogs don’t eat it”
We have this issue at our house too. My kids are super attached to their blankys. Between blankets and pacifiers I have probably logged more hours looking for them then I have been alive ( I am 25. I exaggerate but not by much! It feels that way some days !) And we find them in the craziest places! One time we looked every where for our one year old sons blanky. Every level of the house, every crevice and deep dark corner and just as i was giving up & accepted that it was gone forever, lost into the abiss of the house that eats things & accompanied by all the other crap that mysteriously disappears- I had a thought that maybe he threw it away in the trash can bc he was in that phase of putting everything in the trash, keys, paychecks, books..so I looked and there it was! Under all the trash from an afternoon up to bed time. You know, diapers and dinner trash … Even emptied the coffee pot grounds on top of it! Yep it Had to be washed and he went to bed with it wet!
That’s a good one. Dirty diapers are nasty, but coffee grounds are pretty bad too. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll make sure to add the garbage to my list of places to check 😉
This is a constant issue at out home, not with a blankie but with a small stuffed bear called Bear Bear. At bedtime Bear Bear always seems to be playing a very elaborate game of hid and seek.