By 6:15 am the Easter baskets had been pilfered.
By 11 a.m. we were at Grammy and Papa’s house.
By 11:30 a.m. we
had found
the eggs.
By 12 p.m. we had opened the eggs, sorted the eggs
and chowed on cupcakes.
(Number 6 gave Number 7 a haircut last night. Do you like it?)
By 12:01 p.m. we had opened presents from the Easter Bunny.
By 12:30 p.m. we had played baseball,
played hide and seek,
and swung in the trees.
It’s been a pretty good day, and we haven’t even had lunch yet.
Hope today you find everything you’ve been looking for!
(Number 4 is killing me)
Happy Easter from our clan to yours!
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