One of the things that happens when you have surgery and have to take it easy for a few weeks is that you find yourself with much more time to think.
Think about the direction you want your life to take. Think about what’s important to you.
With the slowing down and the inability to operate at the (insane) pace you’ve become accustomed to, your brain has an opportunity to declutter itself a little, and your perspective changes.
Or maybe you can just see things a little more clearly.
Since finding out my body is healing as it should be at my three week appointment on Monday, I’ve started walking.
Three things I’ve desperately needed in the last two weeks are some exercise, some sunlight, and fresh air.
I can’t do anything strenuous yet, but I can walk.
Today was the third day in a row I’ve taken a walk. I walked about a mile on Monday, a mile-and-a-half Tuesday, and about two miles today.
I didn’t walk fast. Each day I listened to a different Oprah SuperSoul Conversation podcast (the Trevor Noah episode is AMAZING).
Anyway, each day I walked a little bit farther, but I started and ended with the same route. I just went a little bit farther each time before I headed back home.
On Monday as I was walking back home, I saw a fork lying on the side of the road.
I thought to myself, “Hmmm. I wonder how that fork ended up there.”
On Tuesday I saw the fork again. It was a decent looking stainless steel fork. This time I thought, “Should I pick that up? If I washed it would it be usable?” I left it.
Today, for the third time, I took a walk. It was brisk and it was snowing, and again, I saw the fork.
And it occurred to me.
Maybe the literal fork in the road was sending me a message.
Who knows.
Maybe someone just randomly chucked a fork out the window or something.
But I don’t think so.
Three days in a row I have come across a fork in the road.
And I’m pretty sure the Universe is trying to send me a message.
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